2008. augusztus 30., szombat

The Regős Band - Samba Sound


01 - Aqua De Beber
02 - One I Loved
03 - The Night Has A Thousand Eyes
04 - Greensleeves
05 - Triste
06 - I Remember Clifford
07 - Daahoud
08 - Vivo Sonhando
09 - Full House
10 - Speak Lov

Jazz At The Pawnshop Vol 1

1. Limehouse Blues
2. I'm Confessin'
3. High Life
4. Jeep's blues
5. Lady Be Good
6. Take Five
7. Everything Happens To Me
8. Barbados
9. Stuffy

2008. augusztus 29., péntek

Coco Briaval Gypsy Swing Quintet - Nuit Du Voyage (2005)


01 - Take Five
02 - Ardilla Swing
03 - Indolence Bresilienne
04 - Petite Pomme
05 - La Valse Des Loves'
06 - J'attendrais
07 - I Remember Chet
08 - Compococo
09 - Hot Brass
10 - Gipsy
12 - Djangology

Rhythm Accordeon - Accordeon in Jazz ! / Digital transferred, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio home sound recording studio 2007


Rhythm Accordeon

01 - Art Van Damme - Ode To Cleavage Or The Camel
02 - Ernie Felice - How High The Moon
03 - Some Of These Days - Bengt Hallberg
04 - Mario Battaini - Love Me Or Leave Me
05 - Roland Cedermark - St. Louis Blues
06 - Ernie Felice - I'll Always Be In Love With You
07 - Jo Privat - Rythmes Gitans
08 - Johnny Meijer - Red River Valley
09 - Bengt Allberg - St. Louis Blues
10 - Art Van Damme - Too Close For Comfort
11 - Mario Battaini - Moonlight Serenade
12 - Roland Cedermark - Mr. Sandman
13 - Cus Viseur - Matelotte
14 - Johnny Meijer - Is You Is Or Is You Ain't My Baby
15 - Art Van Damme - I Hear Music
16 - Mario Battaini - Lullaby Of Birdland
17 - Bengt Hallberg - Limehouse Blues
18 - Johnny Meijer - Deed I Do
19 - Tony Murena - Dar Eyes

2008. augusztus 27., szerda

Kovács Erzsi - Tűzpiros virág 1957 - 1961 Eredetil felfételek Digital cleaning and mixed at Audio Design Studió 2002

Kovacs Erzsi - Tuzpiros virag LP 1957 - 1961

Kovacs Erzsi - 01 - Jo az almodozas
Kovacs Erzsi - 02 - Rejtely
Kovacs Erzsi - 03 - Tuzpiros virag
Kovacs Erzsi - 04 - Veled is megtortenhet egyszer
Kovacs Erzsi - 05 - Ugy eltennek kicsit a boldogsagbol
Kovacs Erzsi - 06 - Lassankent majd megtanulom en is
Kovacs Erzsi - 07 - Ki emlekszik ra
Kovacs Erzsi - 08 - Ezt a nagy szerelmet toled kaptam en
Kovacs Erzsi - 09 - Ha most az egyszer vissza jonnel
Kovacs Erzsi - 10 - Regi ora halkan jar
Kovacs Erzsi - 11 - Kek obol
Kovacs Erzsi - 12 - Hova tunt a sok virag
Kovacs Erzsi - 13 - Bucsuzni csak nagyon szepen szabad
Kovacs Erzsi - 14 - Szeretlek akkor is
Kovacs Erzsi - 15 - Ha azt kerdezne most valaki tolem

Ez a lemez a sok kedvenc egyike. A felvetelek 1957 es 60 kozott keszultek, es ha igaz 1961-ben adtak ki. Ami a lenyeg - nagyon sok munkaval es kudarcal, sikerultezt az LP-t olyan szintre hozni, hogy a mai modern korhoz hasonlo minosegben ismet halgathato legyen.

New Orleans Ragtime Orchestra - Baby Pretty Old ( P ) 1979 2 LP Digital cleaning and remastered Audio Design Studio 2008


01 - African Pas'
02 - Pineapple Rag
03 - Pretty Baby
04 - Cleopatra Rag
05 - After You've Gone
06 - That Teasin' Rag
07 - Pekin Rag
08 - Ballin' The Jack
09 - Sunburst Rag
10 - Oh You Beautiful Doll
11 - Fig Leaf Rag
12 - Reindeer Rag
13 - Grace and Beauty
14 - Mama's Gone Goodbye
15 - Me-Sha-Wobble
16 - Kiss Me Sweet
17 - Kinklets
18 - Bugle Boy March
19 - Someday Sweetheart
20 - Original Rag
21 - Sister Kate
22 - Roseleaf Rag
23 - Trombonium

Vaclav Kucera and Olga kucerova - Kucerovci LP Digital transferred, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio home sound recording studio 2007

Ez az album még a hajdani Csehszlovák zenei ipar terméke. Amiről bizony elmodhatjuk, hogy nem is volt az olyan rossz. Nagyon sok neves muzsikust és előadót ismerhettünk meg közülük. Csak az oldalimon találhatók néhányan pl Felix Slovacsek, Ladislav Staidl Orchestra, Lubomir Pleva, és most nem utolsó sorban Vaclav Kucera és Olga Kucerova.. De a jövőben még szerepelni fognak mások is ebből a zenei világból. Ez az együttes egydi módon, és hangzással szólaltatja meg mind a Dél Amerikai, mind pedig a Hawaii dallamokat egyaránt.
Az albumot a Panto Records adta ki 1972-ben
Olga Kucerova 1, 11, 13, 14,
Vilma Mayerova 2, 4, 8, 9,
Jan Hromas 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11,
Petr Kriz 2, 7, 8, 13,
Vaclav Kucera ( Hawaii Guitar )

Karády Katalin - Te vagy a fény ( MC ) Nem tisztitott anyag !!


1. Add kezed (Bródy T—Zoltán P.) — 2. Nagyvárosi melódiák
1 (J. Padilla—Kovách A.) —3. Jön az ősz, mire vársz (V. Sctsertzint , ger—H. Stothart—Kovách A.) —4. Lement a Nap (S. Romberg— Kovách A.) 5. Tavaszi álmok idején (Szerdahelyi Z.—Szenes
I.) — 6. Keresem éri a boldogságom (Horváth J.—Halász R.) — I7. Mit tudjátok ti (Buday 0.—C. Kovács I.) —8. Ne félj (Marliny
L.—Szécsén M.) 9. Keresd a nőt (8. G. DeSyIsa—L. Brown
V. yonmans—Ács Á.)
1. Te vagy a fény (Horváth i. Halász R.) — 2. A múlt mesél (R. Kalscher Kovách A.) — 3. Románc (P. I. Csajkovszkij, Polgár
.v T. felé—Ács Á.) — 4. Bánatos úl (de Fries K.—.G. Dénes Gy.)
— 5. Nem szabad (Ch. Tr,bias—Nat Sinron—Lantos 0) — 6. Ezűstlakodalom (Szterényi 0.—G. Dénes Gy.) — 7. Holnap
i délután (Buday D.—Szécsén M.) — 8. Halkan a parkban (A. Rubinstrin—Balassa E.) — 9. Altatódal (Bródy T—Rákosi J.)
Putnoky Gábor (A 5), Lantos Olivér (B ‚5) — ének
Tonalil művészzenekar (A I. 5, E 6, 7, 9)
Dorium zenekar (A 2—4, 6, 9, Ő l—S, 8)
Pátria zenekar (A 7)
T’onalit tánczenekar (A 8)
Martiny Lajos (A 2, 9), Polgár Tibor (8 8)
Simon Géza Gábor (A 1, 8 I. 5), Sághi István (A 2—9, 8 2—4.
8, 9) és Nemes András (8 6, 7) magángyűjteményéhől

Szerkesztő: Simon Géza Gábor

2008. augusztus 26., kedd

Vámosi János - Megáll az idő LP 1960 Digital transferred, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio home sound recording studio 2003


01 - Megáll az ido
02 - Budapesti csillagok
03 - Nekünk találkozni kellett
04 - Csini baba
05 - Minden asszony életében
06 - Szigorú tanító
07 - Jázmin virág
08 - Mért sirnál kicsi rózsabimbó
09 - Kicsit szomorkás a hangulatom
10 - Valami fáj
11 - Összecsendül két pohár
12 - Három aranyásó
13 - Hol van az a nyár
14 - A szívemet ma este összeszidtam
15 - Baracknyílás idején
16 - Ma este nem gondoltam rád

Vámosi János - Megáll az idő című lemeze 1960-ban jelent meg a hanglemez boltokban először. A most hallható lemez 1970-ben került hozzám, viszonylag még használható állapotban. 2000-ben került digitális feldolgozásra, és restaurálálsra. Ezt az albumot a Hungaroton is kiadta, valamikor, de sajnos mint minden esetben a régi felvételek minőségén semmit sem vátoztattak. Igy aztán maradva a saját anyag mellet, végül az eredeti 60-as bakelit került átjátszásra / így mégis érdekesebb volt az egész /

Larry Garner - You Need To Live A Little

01 - Another Bad Day
02 - Someone New
03 - Four Cars Running
04 - Live A Little
05 - The Reacher Man
06 - Shak Bully
07 - Rats And Roaches In My Kitchen
08 - Don't Run Talking
09 - Keep Playing The Blues
10 - Had To Quit Drinking
11 - I Ain't The One
12 - I Won't Tell Your Mama
13 - Don't Start Crying
14 - Edward Had A Shotgun

A witty, imaginative songwriter, crisply concise guitarist, and convincing singer, Baton Rouge Larry Garner is the proverbial triple threat -- and a good bet to rise to blues stardom in the immediate future. His major-label debut is a wondrous collection filled with songs that don't embrace simple cliches ("Four Cars Running," "Another Bad Day," and "Shak Bully" are anything but routine). "Miracles of Time" is almost pop-soul in its structure, while "Rats and Roaches in My Kitchen," Garner's lowdown tribute to swamp blues pioneer Silas Hogan, benefits from Sonny Landreth's burrowing slide guitar. ~ Bill Dahl, All Music Guide

John Buzon Trio Hammond Organ - Infeno ! ( 1958 Stereo ) LP

01 - Caravan
02 - Ill Wind
03 - Smoke Rings
04 - Mambo Rock
05 - Mister Ghost Goes to Town
06 - Moonlight
07 - Tzena, Tzena, Tzena
08 - Blues in My Hear
09 - The Sheik of Araby
10 - Idaho
11 - Diga Diga Doo
12 - Love's Serenade

Hilde Hefte And The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra-An Evening In Prague 2007


01 Close Enough For Lov
02 Summer Wishes, Winter Dreams
03 I Do It For Your Love
04 For Heaven's Sake
05 Quiet Now
06 Tenderly
07 Answer Me
08 Lisell September
09 My Buddy
10 If You Could See Me Now

Köszönöm, hogy imádott - Az elsö magyar hangosfilmek dalai 1931 - 1938 Audio Design Studio 2007

Köszönöm, hogy imádott - Az elsö magyar hangosfilmek dalai 1931 - 1938

01 - Koszonom, hogy imadott
02 - Mese autoval
03 - Legyen esze
04 - Van London, van Napoky, van Konstatinapoly
05 - Lila akacok
06 - Kislany kezeket fel
07 - Odavagyok magaert
08 - Szeretem a kertet amely a hazad elott virul
09 - Tudom, hogy van neki
10 - A penzemet mama en mind elmulatom
11 - Az en rozsam vasutas
12 - Regi divat a szerelem
13 - Madonna draga
14 - Nem tudom az eletemet hol rontottam en el
15 - Szeles e vilagon nincs aki szeret
16 - Jo reggelt itt a tej
17 - Falevel, falevel neked elmondom en
18 - Bizonyos,hogy magaval en
19 - Uri lany szobat keres
20 - Uncili smuncili, te draga kis babam
21 - Peches ember ne menjen a jegra
22 - Egy edes szeszelyes
23 - Pa , kis aranyom pa

Ez a hanganyag igazán a régi világból származó slágerek gyüjteménye. A felvételek kizárólag eredeti filmhangokról készített másolatok, melyről monthatom minden szerénytelenség nélkül, a kedves hallgató talán sosem hallgathatott még ehez hasonló minőségben. A 80-as évek körül a hungaroton is kiadott egy hasonló jellegű albumot természetesen eredetiben, ahogy legurult a filmszalagról az anyag. Már csak azért is merem ezt kimondani, mert ezekből a filmzenékből még eddig soha nem hallottam igazán jól kijavított felvételeket. A filmek sok helyen szakadtak ragasztottak , sőt hiányoznak részek belőlük, vagy részletek. De hát ez már csak ilyen. Attól függetlenül a lehetőségekhez képest majdnem, hogy '' HI-FI " minőségre bróbáltam tökeletesíteni, eltekintve attől a meggyőződésemtől, hogy ezeknek a felvételeknek meg kell hagyni az eredeti feeligjét, ami pont a sistergésben leledzik. De ettől most eltértem és igazán a lehető legjobb jel / zaj viszonyt próbáltam elérni a zene csorbítása nélkül. - az az túltestauráltam ahogy mondani szokták. A zenei anyaghoz mellékeltem egy borítót is mivel ennek a zenei anyagnak nem volt, és nem is készűlt tasak terve.
Remélem sikerült............ Jó állapotba hozni ezeket a zenei csemegéket.

Rendezte: Székely István
Köszönöm, hogy imádott
(Eisemann Mihály-Mihály István és Szilágyi László) Fenyvessy Éva és Gózon Gyula

02. MESEAUTÓ (1934)
Rendezte: Gadi Béla
a/ Meseautóval
(Márkus Alfréd-Harmath Imre)
Perczel Zita és Weygand Tibor
b/ Legyen esze
(Márkus Alfréd - Harmath Imre)
Gombaszögi Ella és Kabos Gyula

03. KÉK BÁLVÁNY (1931)
Rendezte: Lázár Lajos dr.
Van London, van Nápoly, van Konstantinápoly
(Angyal László-Harmath Imre)
Gózon Gyula, Gárdonyí Lalos, Sárosi Andor

04. LILA AKÁC (1934)
Rendezte: Székely István
Lila akácok
(Abrahóm Pál-Mihály István) Agay Irén és Nagy György

05. AZ Új ROKON (1934)
Rendezte: GaáI Béla
Kislány, kezeket fel
(Szlatinay Sándor- Békeffi István - Nóti Károly) Perczel Zita

06. IDA REGÉNYE (1934)
Rendezte: Székely István
Oda vagyok magáért
(Fényes Szabolcs-Mihály István) Agay Irén és Jávor Pál

07. IGLÓI DIÁKOK (1934)
Rendezte: György István
Szeretem a kertet, mely a házad előtt virul
(P. Horváth Dezső-Kellér Dezső) Jávor Pál

Rendezte: Vajda László
Tudom. hogy van neki
(Fényes Szabolcs-Mihály István) Bársony Rózsi

09. EZ A VILLA ELADÓ (1935)
Rendezte: Cziffra Géza
A pénzemet máma én mind elmulatom
(Gyöngy Pól-Harmath Imre)
Kabos Gyula és Gózon Gyula

Rendezte: GaáI Béla
Az én rózsám vasutas
(Fényes Szabolcs-Harmath Imre)
Kabos Gyula, Agay Irén, Ernst H. Husermann

Rendezte: Székely István
Régi divat a szerelem
(Hajdu Imre-Zágon István)
Miklós Kata

Rendezte: Székely István
Madonna drága, küldjön egy mosolyt felém
(Gyöngy Pál-Mihály István)
Jávor Pál és Agay Irén

Rendezte: Vajda László
Nem tudom, az életemet hol rontottam én el?
(Sándor jenő-Kellér Dezső)
Rajnay Gábor és Turay Ida

14. HÁROM SÁRKÁNY (1936)
Rendezte: Vajda László
Széles e világon nincs, aki szeret
(Szlatinay Sándor-Mihály István és Nóti Károly)
Rajnay Gábor és Lázár Mária

15. MAI LÁNYOK (1937)
Rendezte: Gaál Béla
Jó reggelt, itt a tej
(Abrahám PóI-Harmoth Imre)
Kun Magda, Donáth ‚gi, Szepes Lia, Dayka Margit és kórus

Rendezte: GaáI Béla
a/ Falevél, falevél, neked elmondom én
(Márkus Alfréd-Nóti Károly)
jávor Pál és Agaylrén
b/ Bizonyos, hogy magával én
(Márkus Alfréd-Nóti Károly)
Nagykovácsi Ilona

Rendezte: Balogh Béla
Urilány szobát keres
(Zsigmondy Pál-Kulinyi Ernő)
Zilahy lrén

18. PAPUCSHŐS (1938)
Rendezte: Vaszary János
Uncili, smuncili, drága kis babám
(Zerkovitz Béla-Mérei Adolf)
Kabos Gyula

Rendezte: Balogh Béla
a/ Peches ember ne menjen a jégre
( Fries Károly-Szécsén Mihály)
Fekete Pál
b/ Egy éies szeszélyes...
( Fries Károly-Szécsén Mihály)
Weygand Tibor

20. HYPPOLIT, A LAKÁJ (1931)
Rendezte: Székely István
Pá, kis ara nyom, Pá
(Eisemann Mihály-Mihály István és Szilágyi László)
Erdélyi Mici

2008. augusztus 25., hétfő

16 Fantastic Latin Hits - LP . Digital transferred, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio home sound recording studio 2007


01 - SIBONEY - LecuonalMorse United Artists
02 - AMOR AMOR AMOR - Ruiz Mendez Skylar Peer
03 - LA GOLONDRINA - Mexic. Trad., Arr. Valdor Hippo
04 - PATRICIA - Prado Peer
05 - LA BAMBA - Mexic. Trad., Arr. Vaidor Hippe
06 - ORFEO NEGRO - Bonfaâ Peer
07 - BRAZIL - Barroso Peer
08 - MAMBO JAMBO - Prado Peer
09 - LA CUCARACHA - Mexic. Trad. Arr. Vaidor Hippo
10 - SPANISH EVES - Kaernpferl Singleton Snyder Doma
11 - EL CUMBANCHERO - Hernandez Peer
12 - Cielito Lindo - Mexic-Trad-Arr-Valdor
13 - VIVA LA FERIA - Peruan. Trad., Arr. Valdor Hippo
14 - BESAME MUCHO - Velasquez Peer
15 - VAVA CON DIOS - Russel James Peppern Chappell
16 - O CANGACEIRO - Sras. Trad., Arr. Valdor Hippo

Egerländer Musikanten - Heitere Blasmusik - -Digital transferred, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio home sound recording studio 2007


Egerlander Bauern polka
Heidschi Bumbeidschi
In den Bergen
Lustig ist das Zigeunerleben
Oh, du lieber Augustin
Schenkt man sich Rosen in Tirol
Schlan ist die Jugendzeit
Tiroler Holzhacker Bu'abn
Tiroler Walzer
Wien bleibt Wien
Wien, Weib und Gesang

2008. augusztus 24., vasárnap

Frank Sinatra with Quincy Jones and Orchestra - L.A. Is My Lady


01 - L.A. Is My Lady
02 - The Best Of Everything
03 - How Do You Keep The Music Playing
04 - Teach Me Tonight
05 - It's All Right With Me
06 - Mack The Knife
08 - Stormy Weather
09 - If I Should Lose You
10 - A Hundred Years From Today
11 - After You've Gone

L.A. Is My Lady is a 1984 (see 1984 in music) album by Frank Sinatra, featuring arrangements by Quincy Jones. It was the last solo album that Sinatra recorded.

The album came after an album of duets between Sinatra and Lena Horne, instigated by Jones, was abandoned after Horne developed vocal problems and Sinatra, committed to other engagements, couldn't wait to record. This was the first studio album Sinatra had recorded with Jones since 1964's It Might as Well Be Swing.

The sessions were filmed, with a small audience, and released as Frank Sinatra: Portrait of an Album (1985). The documentary shows Sinatra meeting Michael Jackson for the first time, with Jones affectionately calling Jackson "Smelly".

Eddie Van Halen and David Lee Roth make cameo appearances in the video for L.A. Is My Lady, which in turn made moderate rotation on the fledgling MTV Network.

Despite its title, the album was recorded in New York City. The album peaked at #58 on the Billboard 200, and #8 on the Top Jazz Albums chart.


Edmundo Ross And His Orchestra - Dance Again LP


01 - The Nearness Of You - Cha Cha (Carmichael, Washington)
02 - La Vie En Rose - Balao (Louiguy)
03 - The Rose In Her Hair - Waltz (Dublin, Warren)
04 - Orchids In The Moonlight - Tango (Youmans, Kahn, Eliscu)
05 - Dolores - Quick - Step (Loesser, Alter)
06 - April In Portugal - Cha Cha (Ferrao, Kennedy)
07 - National Emblem - Samba (arr. Ros)
08 - Under The Bridges Of paris - Mambo (Scotto, Roda)
09 - Ramona - Waltz (Wayne, Gilbert)
10 - Jealousy - Quick - Step (Gade)
11 - La Rosita - Tango (Dupont, Stuart)
12 - Estrellita - Cha Cha (Ponce)
13 - Patricia - Mambo (Prado, Marcus, Delanoe, Salvet)
14 - Tropical Merengue (Munoz, Elow, Marsh)
15 - Tea For Two - Cha Cha (Caesar, Youmans)
16 - Miami Beach Rumba (Fields, Gamse, Camacho)
17 - Cocktails For Two (Johnston, Coslow)
18 - I Came, I Saw, I Conga'd - 18 - Conga (Cavanaugh, Redmond, Weldon)
19 - Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White (Louiguy, David, Larue)
20 - The Wedding Samba (Ellestein, Small, Liebowitz)
21 - Mambo Number Five (Prado)
22 - Blue Tango
23 - When The Moon Comes Over The Mountain - 23 - Cha Cha (Woods, Johnson, Smith)
24 - Colonel Bogey - 24 - Merengue (Alford)

2008. augusztus 22., péntek

Thomas Muskat - Hammond Party LP - 1975 __Digital transferred, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio home sound recording studio 2008


Thomas Muskat - 01 - Save You Kisses For Mee
Thomas Muskat - 02 - Paloma Blanka
Thomas Muskat - 03 - When Will I See You Again
Thomas Muskat - 04 - Love Will Keep Us Together
Thomas Muskat - 05 - My Melody Of Love
Thomas Muskat - 06 - Feelings
Thomas Muskat - 07 - Lady Antoinette
Thomas Muskat - 08 - The Last Farewell
Thomas Muskat - 09 - I'm A Trawelling Man
Thomas Muskat - 10 - Dont Cry No Tears
Thomas Muskat - 11 - Kung Fu Fighting
Thomas Muskat - 12 - Sailing
Thomas Muskat - 13 - Doctor's Order
Thomas Muskat - 14 - Hello And Goodbye

2008. augusztus 3., vasárnap

Jamhunters - Music Speaks Louder Than Words



JAMHUNTERS "Music speaks louder than words"

On 15 March, Gateway Music will release Jamhunters' second album: MUSIC SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS.
The 13 new tracks are all original, the genre is smooth jazz/lounge and also this album was recorded in the Jamhouse studio. The musicians behind Jamhunters are Peter Michael on keyboard and Lars Fabiansen on guitar.
Several well known guests have been assembled to play along with Jamhunters. Artists like Hans Ulrik,
Klaus Menzer, Christina Boelskifte, André Sorensen, Bo Fabiansen, Claus Suhr and Moussa Diallo.
Chris Minh Doky is also guest performing on the album. Chris Minh Doky is normally based in New York, but visited the Jamhouse studio in Copenhagen and recorded 2 tracks. Chris Minh Doky is widely recognised for his passionate delivery and exceptional skill and his distinctive and personal style and sound adds special warmth to the tracks: NO ONE LIKE YOU and MUSIC SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS.
Jamhunters' second guest performer from New York is Frank Senior. He was born and raised in Harlem where jazz played
a major role in his musical career and that is very clearly reflected in his singing. "We ran into Frank in New York last autumn.
We were there to play a few club gigs and accidentally heard Frank humming to a live band. We simply had to persuade him to work with us on our next album", says Lars from Jamhunters. Listen to Frank on the track: ONE MORE MINUTE.
Jamhunters' first album was well received in the US – the homeland of smooth jazz - and the duo therefore visited
New York to play live before an American audience. The internet radio station Smooth Jazz and More reviewed Jamhunters first album: "This CD surprised me with its acid jazz and uptempo beats. It's a huge surprise and my pick for best CD of 2006".
Jamhunters is planning another trip to New York in the summer of 2008.
Please reply by mail if you require additional information, promotion material or a CD or contact Maria Christensen at postmaster@jamhunters.dk

Gerald Veasley - Your Move


1. Hear Now! 5:04
2. Slip 'N' Slide 4:18
3. So Close To The Sun 5:26
4. Greenwood 3:24
5. Your Move 4:43
6. Cross Currents 4:04
7. Three Tears 5:47
8. Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) 3:59
9. Traveling Light 4:32
10. Roxanne's Dance 7:57

Your Move stands in the tradition of finest contemporary jazz. Gerald Veasley is the guarantor for excellent music.

Bonerama - Bring It Home


01 - Intro 00:18
02 - Bayou Betty 04:13
03 - By Athenish 04:50
04 - Ocean 04:44
05 - And I Know 04:16
06 - Mr. Go 06:36
07 - Sprung Monkey 05:01
08 - Gekko Love 07:53
09 - Yer Blues 04:49
10 - Epistrophy 06:54
11 - Equale 05:41
12 - Helter Skelter 05:46
13 - Louie's Perch 06:13
14 - Cabbage Alley 06:41

Bonerama, the New Orleans horn band boasting four trombones, seems
to have tired of beginning its album titles with the word "Live"
(Live at the Old Point, Live from New York), so the group's third
album is not called "Live from Tipitina's" even though it is; it's
called Bringing It Home, which is also accurate, since Bonerama
was formed at Tipitina's nightclub in New Orleans in 1998. If the
Dirty Dozen Brass Band revised notions about a horn outfit's sound
and repertoire, Bonerama takes those revisions a step further. Its
ensemble sound sometimes suggests the rock group Chicago and
sometimes a small, well-rehearsed college marching band. Although
many of the tunes are originals by the bandmembers, the selections
that stand out are the surprising covers, such as Led Zeppelin's
"The Ocean" and two songs from the Beatles The White Album, "Yer
Blues" and "Helter Skelter." The arrangements replace some of the
guitar parts with horn parts, naturally, but the influence of
classic rock, particularly of Jimi Hendrix, remains in guitarist
Bert Cotton's acid-tinged lead work. To demonstrate its jazz
chops, Bonerama also turns in a strong cover of Thelonious Monk's
"Epistrophy." Yet for all this eclecticism, the group remains at
its core a New Orleans horn band, and by the end of the set it has
evoked Louis Armstrong and the Meters before ending with a hidden
track that is a musical commercial for another city nightspot, all
of which confirms that the group's decision to keep recording live
albums, especially at its home base, is a good one.

Blue Mitchell - Many Shades Of Blue (1974)



LP Mainstream, 1974
Sweet electric 70s funk from Blue Mitchell -- blowing here in some of the hippest arrangements of his career! Blue's trumpet alone is always pretty darn great, but for this album he's working with arranger Dave Matthews -- who gives the tunes fierce groove that mixes vamping guitars with snapping drums -- sort of picking up the groove that Matthews forged with James Brown, but allowing for a lot freer jazz interplay! The guitars are often recorded in a cool way that has them sounding a bit "watery" alongside the rhythms -- so much so, you'd swear they were keyboards at times -- and this approach sounds really great underneath Blue's tighter, harder, more punctuated solos over the top of the tracks. Additional support comes from horn players Joe Farrell and Seldon Powell -- and titles include "Funk Walk", "Blue Funk", "Funny Bone", "Golden Feathered Bird", "Harmony Of The Underworld", and "Hot Stuff".

2008. augusztus 2., szombat

Woody Herman - Original Big Band Hits


Woody Herman - Original Big Band Hits - Apple Honey.mp3
Woody Herman - Original Big Band Hits - Bijou.mp3
Woody Herman - Original Big Band Hits - Blowin' Up A Storm.mp3
Woody Herman - Original Big Band Hits - Blue Flame.mp3
Woody Herman - Original Big Band Hits - Caldonia.mp3
Woody Herman - Original Big Band Hits - Early Autumn.mp3
Woody Herman - Original Big Band Hits - Fan It.mp3
Woody Herman - Original Big Band Hits - Four Brothers.mp3
Woody Herman - Original Big Band Hits - Goosey Gander.mp3
Woody Herman - Original Big Band Hits - Igor.mp3
Woody Herman - Original Big Band Hits - Nero's Conception.mp3
Woody Herman - Original Big Band Hits - Northwest Passage.mp3
Woody Herman - Original Big Band Hits - Somday Sweetheart.mp3
Woody Herman - Original Big Band Hits - Steps.mp3
Woody Herman - Original Big Band Hits - Summer Sequence Part 1.mp3
Woody Herman - Original Big Band Hits - Summer Sequence Part 2.mp3
Woody Herman - Original Big Band Hits - Summer Sequence Part 3.mp3
Woody Herman - Original Big Band Hits - Summer Sequence Part 4.mp3
Woody Herman - Original Big Band Hits - Wildroot.mp3
Woody Herman - Original Big Band Hits - Woodchopper's Ball.mp3

Woody Herman

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Woodrow Charles (1913-1987) Bandleader, clarinetist, alto saxophonist, and singer
After early experience in Chicago with the bands led by Tom Gerun and Harry Sosnik, Woody Herman toured with Gus Arnheim. In 1934, he joined Isham Jones, and when Jones's group disbanded in 1936 Herman used its leading sidemen as the nucleus for his own orchestra. This band went through a number of changes of personnel, such as the inclusion in 1943 of Chubby Jackson and in 1944 of Neal Hefti, Ralph Burns, Flip Phillips, and Bill Harris (by the mid-1940s, under the name Herman's Herd, it was internationally famous for the force and originality of its music. Herman reformed the band in 1947, and the distinctive feature of the Second Herd was the group of saxophonists (three tenor and one baritone) who came to be known as the Four Brothers; among the musicians who played in the section were Serge Chaloff, Stan Getz, Zoot Sims, Al Cohn, and Gene Ammons.

After the demise of the Second Herd in 1949, Herman continued to lead bands; these were perhaps less creative, but their consistently high level of musicianship assured his continuing reputation. The Anglo-American Herd, which he organized in 1959, was significant in the history of English Jazz; another of the more distinctive later bands, the Swinging Herd, was formed in 1962 and featured such excellent soloists as Bill Chase, Phil Wilson, and Sal Nistico. Herman broadened his scope in the late 1960s, when he took up soprano saxophone and included young jazz-rock players in his groups. He toured widely in the 1970s, and in the early 1980s held a residency in a club in New Orleans. Thereafter he worked principally on the West Coast, before taking up another residency in the St. Regis Hotel, New York, in 1985. He celebrated his 50th anniversary as bandleader with the formation of a new orchestra in 1986.

Although Herman's instrumental expertise was considerable, his essential importance was as an organizer. His rare ability to assemble and sustain bands notable for the quality of their musicians grew especially clear in the late years of World War II, when his group consisted of brilliant improvisers whose ensemble playing was exuberant and incisive; Igor Stravinsky was so impressed by its sound that in 1945 he composed his Ebony Concerto for the band. The harmonic procedures of bop influenced Herman's next orchestra even more deeply, confirming his freedom from the contemporary sectarianism in jazz. The ebullient Lemon Drop (1948) with its succession of exciting improvisations illustrates Herman's shrewd open-mindedness as a bandleader as do more overtly ambitious recordings like the two-part Lady McGowan's Dream (1946) and the four-part Summer Sequence (1946-7), both composed by Burns.

Stan Getz - Cafe Montmartre


01 - People Time - Stan Getz 06:10:22
02 - I Thought About You - Stan Getz 08:08:50
03 - Soul Eyes - Stan Getz 07:21:74
04 - I Cant Get Started - Stan Getz 11:12:04
05 - Im Okay - Stan Getz 05:16:74
06 - Falling In love - Stan Getz 09:04:01
07 - I Remember Clifford - Stan Getz 07:52:34
09 - Blood Count - Stan Getz 05:05:15
10 - First Song - Stan Getz 10:03:28

DiscTime: 70:15

Xavier Cugat - Music to watch girls by


01 - Xavier Cugat - Adios
02 - Xavier Cugat - Zorba The Greek
04 - Xavier Cugat - Jungle Rhumba
05 - Xavier Cugat - Moon Over Naples
06 - Xavier Cugat - Compadre Pedro Juan
07 - Xavier Cugat - Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah
08 - Xavier Cugat - Goldfinger
09 - Xavier Cugat - Music To Watch Girls By
10 - Xavier Cugat - La Playa (Aruba)
11 - Xavier Cugat - Charade
12 - Xavier Cugat - Trink Le Chaim
13 - Xavier Cugat - Judith
14 - Xavier Cugat - Samba Saravah
15 - Xavier Cugat - Thunderball
16 - Xavier Cugat - Chim, Chim, Cher-ee

2008. augusztus 1., péntek

Jerry Murads - Harmonicals - Digital transferred, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio home sound recording studio

01 - Jerry Murad's Harmonicals - A Kiss To Build A Dream On
02 - Jerry Murad's Harmonicals - Dont Get A Round Much Anymore
03 - Jerry Murad's Harmonicals - Falllin Leaves
04 - Jerry Murad's Harmonicals - If And When
04 - Jerry Murad's Harmonicals - My Life
06 - Jerry Murad's Harmonicals - More
07 - Jerry Murad's Harmonicals - Soft Summer Breeze
08 - Jerry Murad's Harmonicals - Spain
09 - Jerry Murad's Harmonicals - Sweetheart Serneade
10 - Jerry Murad's Harmonicals - The Last Outpost
11 - Jerry Murad's Harmonicals - Try A Little Tenderness
12 - Jerry Murad's Harmonicals - Yearning