2009. május 30., szombat

Norrie Paramor and The Midland Radio Orchestra LP 1972 Digital noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio 2009.


Side A

01. DANCE IN THE OLD FASHIONED WAY (Aznavour, Garvarentz)
02. FOR ALL WE KNOW (Wson, James, Kariin)
04. SOLITAIRE (Sedaka, Cody)
05. YOURE SIXTEEN (Sherman)
06. AS TIME GOES BY (Hupfield)

Side B

09. HOLLY HOLY (Diamond)
10. WHEN YOU SMILE (Slater, Mc Donald)
12. ANY DREAM WILL DO (Rice, Lloyd, Webber)
13. MAH-NA MAH-NA (Umiliani)

Saturnus LP 1980 Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio Home Sound Recording Studio 2006.


01 - Zold Diszno Dala
02 - Marionette
03 - Gypsy
04 - Funky-Rock
05 - Utcabal
06 - Hegyi Tavak Meseje
07 - Titan
08 - In Memoriam

Szakcsi Lakatos Bela: Zongora
Babos Gyula: Gitar
Dabdo Peter: Basszusgitár
Gritz Peter: Dob
Moog Synthtetizer: Kekesi Janos, Szalay Sandor
Utohangszerek: Németh Gabor
Conga: Dely Laszlo

( P ) 1980

Pege Aladár - Happy Jazz Rock For Everybody


01 Black Jack
02 January
03 Silhouette
04 Parking Blues
05 May Evening
06 Randezvous At The Aral Petrol Station
07 Walk On The Boulevard
08 Dance Of Tortoises
09 July
10 Blues For A.M.
11 Black Horse
12 Song For Adnarim
13 Evening Serenade

Kis Rákfogó - Fűsti Balogh Együttes LP 1982 Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio Home Sound Recording Studio 2006.


01 - Vadlovak (Füsti BoIogh Gábor)
02 - Kémónysopró (Füsti BoIogh Gábor)
03 - Havannai lány (Füsti BoIogh Gábor)
04 - Ma reggel, jól ébredtem (Füsti BoIogh Gábor)
05 - Gemkapocs (Füsti BoIogh Gábor)
06 - Bop-Beat (Lakatos Antal)
07 - Abigél (Füsti BoIogh Gábor)
08 - A nagy dolgok (Füsti BoIogh Gábor)
Lakatos Anlal - tenorszoxoion
Füsti Bologh Gábor - elektromos zongora
Kunu László - basszosgilór
Lakatos László - dob
Deli László - konga
Kegye János - szopránszaxofon, altszaxofon

A Magyar Rádió felvétele. (P) 1982.

Kaszakő - Édenkert LP 1978 Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio Home Sound Recording Studio 2007.


01 - Tükör 1'02"
02 - Sombrero 5'41"
03 - És akkor... 5'29"
04 - Doctor Q 6'55"
05 - Édenkert 6'00"
06 - Úgy mint máskor 6'23"
07 - Tévedés 4'25"
08 - Jégeső 3'28"

Kaszakő - Édenkert
A Kaszakő együttes a 80-as években a hazai jazz-rock szekció egyik kimagaslo zenekara volt. Népszerűségüket az akkori idők neves szólistákkal történő zenei repertoár kibővítése is. Pl Bontovics Kati, aki hihetetlen énekhanjával és előadás módjával növelte a zenekar értékét. Sajnos ma már csak néhány lemez őrzi munkásságukat. Most egy ilyen 1998-ban kiadott LP-ről készitettem egy másolatot, és azt digitális restaurálás, ujrakeverés, után közreadnám annak aki szereti a Jazz-Rock e-fajta irányzatát.


László Attila Guitar
Horváth Kornél Percusion
Lattman Béla Bass
Csányi Zoltán Piano / Syntetizator
Lakatos "Pecek" Géza Drums

Közreműködtek még:

Sipos Endre,
Malek Miklós,
Fekete István (trombita),
Selényi Dezső,
Bazsinka István,
Friedrich Károly (harsona)
A felvétel a "P" Stúdióban készült 1978-ban.

2009. május 29., péntek

Debrecen Jazz Group LP 1979 Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio Home Sound Recording Studio 20097.


01 - Apokalipszis
02 - Bitter
03 - Magyar népdal
04 - Debreceni Séta
05 - Egyutt
06 - Alkony
07 - San Sebastiani emlék


01 - Apokalipszis (Kiss Ernő) Apocalypse
02 - Bitter (Deseő Csaba)
03 - Magyar népdal (Kiss Ernő feldolgozása) Hungarian Folk-Song (arrangement by Ernő Kiss)


01 - Debreceni Séta (Gyarmati Zoltán) Stroll irt Debrecen
02 - Együtt (Fazekas Csaba) Together
03 - Alkony (Kiss Ernö) Sunset
04 - San Sebastiani emlék (Fazekas Csaba Souvenzr from San Sebastian)
Gyarmati Zoltán - altszaxofon
Kiss Ernő - Fender-zongora, zongora
Fazekas Csaba - basszusgitár
Mátyás Ferenc - dob, ütőhangszerek

Deseő Csaba - elektromos brácsa, strings
Simeon Sterev - fuvola

Grafika Nagyvár László
A Magyar Rádió fetvétele Hungarian Radto Recordtng, Made in Hungary 1979


A Debreceni Jazz Együttes 1966-ban alakult, a magyar dzsesszW4 élet fellendüléének kezdetén. A kvartett már akkor Is az egyre szaporodó dzsessz-rendezvények állandó, sikeres résztvevője volt, amikor a zenekarok főként Budapesten működtek. Az együttes felé mindjárt az első évben jelentős figyelem fordult:a Salgótarjáni Amatörzenei Fesztiválon a dzsessz kategóriában, a teljes ismeretlenségből előbukkanva, első helyezést értek cl. Ezt a sikert 1967-ben és 1969-ben megismételték, és még abban az évben bejutottak a Magyar Rádió országos dzsesszversenyének a döntőjébe is, ami a hivatásos együttesek között feltűnő eredménynek számitott. A kvartett 1967-ben Zürichben, 1968-ban Bécsben szerepelt nemzetközi dzsesszfesztiválon. 1969-ben a székesfehérvári Alba Regia fesztivál pódiumán játszottak. 1971-ben a csehszlovákiai Prerov városában a nemzetközi amatőr dzsessz fesztiválon nyrtek díjat, majd még abban az évben meghívást kaptak Spanyolországba, ahol később is, 1972-ben ás 1974-ben, a nemzetközi mezőny ünnepelt zenekarai közé sorolta őket a szaksajtó. 1977-ben ök nyitották meg a Debreceni Dzsessznapok hangversenysorozatát, majd ugyanabban az évben Budapest legnagyobb pódiumán, a Erkel Színházban adtak hangversenyt. Abban az évben a Magyar Rádió őket kérte fel a részvételre az Európai Rádió Unió dzsesszfesztiváljára. amely a hollandiai Larenben került lebonyolításra. A Deseö Csaba közremüködésével készült lareni felvételeket 19 európai, amerikai és japán rádióállomás tűzte műsorára. Ebben az időszakban lengyel és szovjet turnét is lebonyolítottak. Emellett az együttes tagjai aktív szerepet vállaltak a magyar dzsesszélet fellendítésében, kezdeményező szerepet töltöttek be a Debreceni Dzsessznapok évente ismétlődő nemzetközi hangversenysorozatának megszervezésében. Rendszeres szereplői a Magyar Rádió műsorainak. Müsorukon éppúgy szeepelnek a hagyományos dzsessz-örökzöldek, mint saját kompozícióik, amelyeknek hangszereléseit maguk készítik. A jelen nagylemezen a Rádió stúdióiban készült felvételekböl kerül kiadásra egy válogatás. a magyar dzsesszélet eddig páratlanul hosszú ideje fennálló kvartettjétöl. Az együttessel az elmúlt évtized alatt több külföldi szólista is játszött együtt, igy a felvételeken szereplő bolgár fuvolás, Simeon Sterev. Sterev fuvolaszólói nem változtatják meg a kvartett szokásos játékmódját - a szólista remekül illeszkedik az együttesbe. Deseő Csaba, a lemez másik szólistája. a hollandiai fesztivál előtt társult a kvatetthez, Az ebből az alkalomból született kompozieiókban hírnevéhez méltó, virtuóz muzsikusként mutatkozik be.


The Debrecen .Jazz ensemblc was formed in 1966, at the beginning of upswing in Hungarian jazz scene. The quartet was a regular, successful participant at the growing number ofjazz programmes when these events were still mainly held in Budapest. In the very iirst year of its existence the Ensemhleattracted nation. al attention, and emerging from eomplete anonymity, it won the flrst prize in the jazz eategory at the Salgótarján Amateur Music Fest ival. This suecess was repeated bot Ii in 1967 and 1969, and that same year the Ensemble reached the finals of the l-lungarian Radio’s national jazz eompetition. something that was considered to be a remarkable achievement among professional ensemhles. In 1967 the quartet played at an international jazz festival in Zurich, and in 1968 in Vienna. tn 1969 it participated at the Alba Regia Festival at Székesfehérvár. In 1971 it was awarded a prize at ihe international amaieur jan festival in Prerov, Czeehoslovakia, and that same year was invited to Spain. The quartet played in Spain again in 1972 and 1974, and was ranked by the professional press among the celebrated ensembles of the iaternational field. Jn 1977, it opened the series of eoncerts at the Debrecen Jazz l)ays, and later that year gave a coneert in the Erkel Theatre, the biggest theatre in Budapest. In 1977 the Hungarian Radio asked the quartet to participate in the jazz festival of the European Radio tinion, held in Laren, Holland. The reeordings made in Laren with tlie participation of Csaba Deseö were broadcast hy 19 radio statinns in Europe, America and Japan. Sinee that time the ensemble also made tours of Poland and the Soviet Union. The members of the ensemble have also played an active role in giving a new impetus tojazz life in }Iungary, taking the ínitiative in the organization of the annual international concert series of the Debrecen Jan Days. They have rcgularly performed in the Hungarian Radio. Their repertoire includes traditionally evergreen jazz numbers and pieces composed and orchestrated by thom. This LP includes a seleetion of recordings made in the Hungarian Radio’s studios by titjs uniquely long-standing quartet in the Hungarian jan scene. Duríng the past decade, several soloists from abroad have played wtether with the ensemhle, inciuding the Bulgarian flutist, Simeon Sterev in this recording. Sterev’s liute solos do not alter the quartet’s usual performing style, as the soloist has perfectly adapted himselfto the enemhle. Csaba Deseő, the other soloist of the record joined the quartet before the festival in Holland. In the compositions created on that occasion he demonstrated that he was a virtuoso musician of his fame.

Imre Kiss

East - Rések a falon - LP 1983 Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio Home Sound Recording Studio 2006.


01 - Rések a falon,
02 - Az idegen,
03 - Mintha mégis,
04 - Száguldj velem,
05 - Különvonaton,
06 - Földközelben,
07 - Agymosás,
08 - Az utolsó éjszaka,
09 - Az óra jár,
10 - Tánc a parázson


József Tisza (vocals),
János Varga (guitars),
Péter Móczán (bass),
Géza Pálvölgyi (keyboards)
István Király (drums).

Old Boys NO.1 - Rock And Roll Party LP Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio Home Sound Recording Studio 2009.


01 - When The Saints Go Marching In
02 - Percolator
03 - Bouna Sera Signorita
04 - Jambalaya
05 - You Never Can Tell
06 - Blueberry Hill
07 - Lucille
08 - Yakety Sax
09 - Hello Mary Lou
10 - Oh Carol
11 - Do You Love Me
12 - Only You
13 - Wanderer
14 - Rag Doll
15 - Orange Blossom Special
16 - San Antonio Rose

2009. május 27., szerda

Herbie Mann - Bird in a Silver Cage LP 1974 Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio 2007.


01 - Bird In A Silver Cage
02 - Aria
03 - Fly, Robin, Fly
04 - Birdwalk ( New edit version )
05 - Years Of Love
06 - The Piper

Fred Wesley And The J.B.'s LP Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio Home Sound Recording Studio 2005.


01 - Fred Wesley And The Jbs - Damn Right I Am Somebody
02 - Fred Wesley And The Jbs - Blow Your Head
03 - Fred Wesley Im Paying Taxes What Am I Buyin
04 - Fred Wesley And The Jbs - Same Beat Part 1
05 - Fred Wesley And The Jbs - If You Dont Get It The First Time
06 - Fred Wesley - Make Me What You Want Me To Be
07 - Fred Wesley And The Jbs - Going To Get A Thrill
08 - Fred Wesley And The Jbs - You Sure Love To Ball

Drobnosti Majstrov - Classical - Original LP Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio 2006.


01 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Tureck pochoct
02 - Ludwig van Beethoven - Pre Elisku
03 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Menuet D dur
04 - Fryderyk Chopin - ValcA­k cis mol, op. 64
05 - Sergej Rachrnaninov - Etuda es mol
06 - Johanries Brahms - Uhorsky tanec c.5
07 - Charles Gounod - Ave Marja
08 - Franz Schubert - ZastavenA­ko
09 - Robert Schumann - Snenie
10 - AntonA­n DvofA!k - Humoreslca Ges dur
11 - Jean Sibelius - Valse triste

Adel Valentine - Languido Tango - Direttore - Sergio Balloni 1965 Mono LP Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio 2006.


01 - A Media Luz
02 - Gelosia
03 - La Paloma
04 - El Bandido
05 - La Cumparsita
06 - Adios Muchachos
07 - Canta Nino
08 - Kriminal Tango
09 - Duelo Criollo
10 - Violino Tzigano
11 - Caminito
12 - Poema
13 - Tango Della Gelosia
14 - Limon Limonero

2009. május 25., hétfő

Duo Bravo - Lapaloma LP 1977 - Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio Home Sound Recording Studio 2007.


01 - La Paloma
02 - Quemere Mucho
03 - Cielito Lindo
04 - Te Quise Olvidar
05 - Muchos Besos
06 - Chapala
07 - Solamente Una Vez
08 - El Rancho Grande
09 - La Cigarra
10 - Vaya Con Dios

2009. május 17., vasárnap

Pachuco Boggie featuring Don Tosti ( 2002 )


01. Pachuco Boogie by: Cuarteto Don Ramon Sr. (actually Don Tosti's Pachuco Boogie Boys)
02. Guisa Gacha (Mambo) by: Cuarteto Don Ramon Sr. (actually Don Tosti's Pachuco Boogie Boys)
03. Wine-O-Boogie by: Don Ramon Sr. y su orquesta (actually Don Tosti's Pachuco Boogie Boys)
04. El Tirili by: Don Ramon Sr. y su orquesta (actually Don Tosti's Pachuco Boogie Boys)
05. Pachuco Mambo (Mambo) by: Los Chucos
06. Los Pachucos (Canción) by: Las Hermanas Mendoza
07. El Bracero Y La Pachuca (Corrido) by: Dueto Taxco con Mariachi Caporales Del Norte
08. Solido Joaquin (Guaracha) by: Dacita & Her Orquesta
09. Frijole Boogie by: Jorge Córdoba
10. Muy Sabroso Blues by: Lalo Guerrero Y Sus Cinco Lobos
11. Los Chucos Suaves by: Lalo Guerrero Y Sus Cinco Lobos
12. Chicas Patas Boogie by: Lalo Guerrero Y Su Orquesta
13. Buena Vista Swing by: Conjunto Alamo
14. El Pachuco Alegre (Boogie) by: Los Hermanos Yanez y Pedro Ayala
15. Las Pachuquitas (instrumental) by: Conjunto San Antonio Alegre
16. Mi Dolorcito (Boogie) by: Conjunto San Antonio Alegre
17. Guisa Guaina by: Don Tosti Y Su Trío
18. Pachuco Boogie - (2nd recording) (2nd recording) by: Orquesta Don Ramon (actually Don Tosti's Pachuco Boogie Boys)
19. Los Blues by: Don Tosti y su Trío
20. Mambo Del Pachuco by: Don Tosti y su conjunto
21. Chicano Boogie by: Cuarteto De Ramon Martínez (actually Don Tosti's Quartet

Nancy Sinatra And Lee Hazlewood - Nancy & Lee (1968)


01 - you've lost that lovin' feelin'
02 - elusive dreams
03 - greenwich village folk song salesman
04 - summer wine
05 - storybook children
06 - did you ever
07 - sundown, sundown
08 - jackson
09 - some velvet morning
10 - sand
11 - lady bird
12 - i've been down so long (it looks like up to me)

Matt Monro - The Collection 2 CD set


01 Spanish Eyes
01 Sweet Lorraine
02 Michelle
02 The Nearness of You
03 Hello Dolly
03 Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head
04 First of May
04 Portrait of My Love
05 My Love and Devotion
05 These Days of Wine and Roses
06 Laura
06 Leaving on a Jet Plane
07 Walk Away
07 You and Me Against the World
08 Born Free
08 From Russia with Love
09 As Long as She Needs Me
09 Singin' in the Rain
10 It's a Breeze
10 Yesterday When I Was Young
11 Ethel Baby
11 Unchained Melody
12 Cheek to Cheek
12 Love Is a Many Splendored Thing
13 For Once in My Life
13 Wednesday's Child
14 As Long as I'm Singing
14 I'm Glad I'm Not Young Anymore
15 I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face
15 My Kind of Girl
16 Diana
16 How Do You Do
17 Mama Packed a Picnic Tea
17 Stardust
18 For All We Know
18 Yesterday

Magyar Filmek Dalai 2. ( MC ) Original


a01 - Balalajka sir az ejben
a02 - Almaimban valahol mar jottel felem
a03 - Szaz vagy muzsikal most az ejben
a04 - Almaimban valahol mar jottel felem
a05 - Ez az utolso pohar,aztan agyo
a06 - Egy kis itoka ha bennem van
a07 - Egy kis edes felhomalyban
a08 - Hallod-e Rozika Te
a09 - A szivemben titokban
a10 - Jaj de szep kek szeme van maganak
a11 - Oszi szel ringatja csonakom
a12 - Az egyik ember gazdag


b01 - Az egyik ember gazdag
b02 - Szall a hinta
b03 - Tiz ora mult,a szivem kigyult
b04 - Semmi vesz...
b05 - A ruha a fo es benne a no
b06 - Egy tucat tA1nder nekem dalol
b07 - Nem nosulok soha
b08 - Nincs kegyelem
b09 - Mamorba tancba szedulunk

Louie Bellson - Live From New York (1994)



01 Soar Like An Eagle
02 The Louie Shuffle
03 Blow Your Horn
04 L.A. Suite
05 Louie and Clark Expedition
06 Francine
07 Santos

Jelly Roll Morton - Birth Of The Hot - Chicago Red Hot Peppers Sessions (1926-1927)



01 Black Bottom Stomp
02 Smoke House Blues
03 The Chant
04 Sidewalk Blues [Take 3]
05 Dead Man Blues [Take 1]
06 Steamboat Stomp
07 Someday Sweetheart
08 Grandpa's Spells [Take 3]
09 Original Jelly-Roll Blues
10 Doctor Jazz
11 Cannon Ball Blues [Take 2]
12 Hyena Stomp
13 Billy Goat Stomp
14 Wild Man Blues
15 Jungle Blues
16 Beale Street Blues
17 The Pearls
18 Wolverine Blues
19 Mr.
20 Sidewalk Blues [Take 2]
21 Dead Man Blues [Take 2]
22 Grandpa's Spells [Take 2]
23 Cannon Ball Blues [Take 1]

Frank Sinatra - Songs For Swingin' Lovers! (1955-1956)


01 You Make Me Feel So Young
02 It Happened In Monterey
03 You're Getting To Be A Habit With
04 You Brought A New Kind Of Love To
05 Too Marvelous For Words
06 Old Devil Moon
07 Pennies From Heaven
08 Love Is Here To Stay
09 I've Got You Under My Skin
10 I Thought About You
11 We'll Be Together Again
12 Makin' Whoopee
13 Swingin' Down The Lane
14 Anything Goes
15 How About You

Engelbert Humperdinck - Remember I Love You



01k - Love Is All
02k - To All The Girls I ve Loved Before
03k - On The Wings Of A Silverbird
04k - Are You Lonesome Tonight
05k - Under The Man In The Moon
06k - Nothing s Gonna Change My Love For You
07k - Senorita Bonita
08k - I Can t Stop Loving You
09k - Our Time
10k - Love Is The Reason
11k - Just For The Love Of You
12k - How Do I Stop Loving You
13k - After You
14k - You Made A Believer Out Of Me
15k - I Bid You Goodbye
16k - We ll Meet Again

Archiv Magyar Felvételek (1929 - 45) Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio Home Sound Recording Studio 2009.

01-Kardy Katalin & Lantos Olivr - Nem szabad
02-Tabnyi Mihly - Maria, Maria
03-Kazal László - Hétvégi pihenő
04-Lorant Edit es zenekara - Monti Csardas
05-Bilicsi Tivadar - Hogyha minden rendes ember
06-Nagykovácsi Ilona - Jön a fehér karácsony
07-Sebo Miklos - Tik-ti, tik-ta1
08-Vig György & Len Hughes zenekara - Te vagy a fény
09-Vadas Zsuzsa & Martiny zenekar - Csupa konny a szobam
10-Ákos Stefi - Szalmaláng

2009. május 14., csütörtök

Timewarp Inc - Groovy Booty ( Groove )


1 Wake Up Bossa 4:32
2 Funky African Heroes 3:41
3 An Old Funk 4:37
4 Funky Bob Timbales 4:11
5 Discjoint 4:56
6 Saliamagouras 5:32
7 Afrofunk 5:23
8 Funkorz 5:10
9 Back To The 60's 4:12
10 Break Up To The Sunshine 5:50
11 The Groovy Booty 5:45
12 Breakbit 4:50
13 D'azour Cotaz 4:46
14 Got That Vibe 6:08
15 Cinemafilm 4:13
16 Dub Mi Balls 5:25

Frank Sinatra - The Classic Hits


01 - Sweet Lorraine 03:10
02 - Mam´selle 03:21
03 - Five Minutes More 02:36
04 - Oh What it Seemed to Be 03:05
05 - I Got A Woman Crazy for Me, She´s Funny that Way 03:22
06 - They Say It´s Wonderful 03:07
07 - Nancy, with the Laughing Face 03:27
08 - Saturday Night, is the Loneliest Night of the Week 02:44
09 - All or Nothing at All 02:59
10 - In the Blue of Evening 02:56
11 - There Are Such Things 02:43
12 - You´ll Never Know 03:02
13 - It´s Allways You 03:15
14 - People Will Say We´re in Love 03:21
15 - Dolores 02:58
16 - Oh Look at Me Know 03:15
17 - This Love of Mine 03:43
18 - I´ll Never Smile Again 03:12
19 - Polka Dots and Moonbeams 03:20
20 - We Three, My Echo My Shadow and Me 03:04

Frank Sinatra - Seduction Sinatra Sings Of Love 3 disc



101 - prisoneroflove
102 - ivegotyouundermyskin
103 - myfunnyvalentine(alternateversion)
104 - witchcraft
105 - alltheway
106 - ithadtobeyou
107 - youngatheart
108 - loveisamany - splendoredthing
109 - someenchantedevening
110 - (howlittleitmatters)howlittleweknow
111 - igetakickoutofyou
112 - thesecondtimearound
113 - atlonglastlove
114 - iconcentrateonyou
115 - thensuddenlylove
116 - theycanttakethatawayfromme
117 - afineromance
118 - more(themefrommondocane)
119 - thishappymadness(estradabranca)
120 - teachmetonight
121 - allthewayhome
122 - thatsall

201 - thelookoflove
202 - secretlove
203 - iwishyoulove
204 - iliketoleadwhenidance
205 - misty
206 - staywithme(mainthemefromthecardinal)
207 - talktomebaby
208 - foronceinmylife
209 - allofyou
210 - ihadthecraziestdream
301 - youwillbemymusic
302 - something
303 - lovemetender
304 - if
305 - youarethesunshineofmylife
306 - whensomebodylovesyou
307 - lovesbeengoodtome

Frank Sinatra - Frank Sinatra And Friends


01 - A Good Man is Hard to Find (Feat Shelly Winters).Mp3 02:58
02 - A Little Learning is A Dangerous Thing, Part 1 (Feat Pearl 03:26
03 - A Little Learning is A Dangerous Thing, Part 2 (Feat Pearl 03:11
04 - Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are (Feat Gloria Dehaven) 02:03
05 - Come Up to My Place (Feat Betty Garrett).Mp3 02:53
06 - I Begged Her (Feat Gene Kelly).Mp3 03:02
07 - I Saw You First (Feat Mary Mcguire).Mp3 01:44
08 - If You Knew Susie Like I Know Susie (Feat Gene Kelly).Mp3 02:00
09 - It´s Fate Baby, It´s Fate (Feat Betty Garrett).Mp3 03:14
10 - It´s Only Money (Feat Groucho Marx).Mp3 01:31
11 - Kisses and Tears (Feat Jane Russel with the Modernaires).M 02:47
12 - Let´s Take an Old Fashioned Walk (Feat Doris Day).Mp3 03:01
13 - My Romance (Feat Dinah Shore).Mp3 03:17
14 - New York, New York (Feat Gene Kelly, Ralph Brewster and Ju 03:11
15 - Some Other Time.Mp3 01:34
16 - Stars in Your Eyes (Feat Xavier Cugat).Mp3 02:44
17 - Take Me Out to the Ball Game (Feat Gene Kelly).Mp3 02:03
18 - Tea for Two (Feat Dinah Shore).Mp3 03:19
19 - The Song´s Gotta Come form the Heart (Feat Jimmy Durante). 04:18
20 - What´s Wrong with Me (Feat Kathryn Grayson).Mp3 01:29
21 21 - Where Does Love Begin (Feat Anne Jeffrey).Mp3 02:15

Count Basie And Frank Sinatra - It Might As Well Be Swing


01 Fly Me to the Moon
02 I Wish You Love
03 I Believe in You
04 More { (heme from Mondo Cane)
05 I Can't Stop Loving You
06 Hello, Dolly!
07 I Wanna Be Around
08 The Best Is Yet to Come
09 The Good Life
10 Wives and Lovers

Frank Sinatra - Frank In The 50s


01 - from here to eternity
02 - american beauty rose
03 - april in paris
04 - azure te paris blues
05 - castle rock
06 - chattanoogie shoe shine boy
07 - hello young lovers
08 - i get a kick out of you
09 - i hear a rhapsody
10 - im walking behind you
11 - ive got the world on a string
12 - my funny valentine
13 - the girl next door
14 - ive got a crush on you
15 - nevertheless im in love with you
16 - south of the border
17 - the birth of the blues
18 - they cant take that away from me
19 - we kiss in a shadow
20 - when youre smiling the whole world smiles with you

Sinatra in the 50's

By Jeff Little

The decade of the 50's didn't start out smoothly for Frank Sinatra. Career-wise, things were bleak for the legendary performer as he suffered vocal chord hemorrhages, an all too public break-up with his wife and a tumultuous affair with actress Ava Gardner (who he eventually married).

In addition to the physical ailment that temporarily crippled his greatest asset, Sinatra's volatile nature had soured many of his fans and show business contacts. By 1952, he had parted ways with Universal Studios, CBS-TV, Columbia Records and his agent.

Known for well-publicized bouts of temper (that included brawls with reporters) and other public lapses in polite behavior, Sinatra had exhausted the patience of many. By the time the 1940's came to an end, most believed his career had done likewise. But Sinatra had other ideas.

Born Francis Albert Sinatra on December 12, 1915 in Hoboken, New Jersey, Sinatra had become a show business icon by the early 1940's with a string of hit records, films and live performances. And the tenacious Sinatra had no intention of calling it quits in the 1950's.

In a shrewd career move, Sinatra agreed to work for a fraction of his usual fee for his work on 1953's From Here to Eternity. A Best Supporting Actor Oscar later, his career was back on track.

Sinatra's Oscar-winning performance as Maggio sparked new interest in the "The Kid from Hoboken". In addition to his career rebound, he had also made a physical comeback. The unstoppable Sinatra had recovered his legendary singing voice and offers poured in from all sides.

Signing with Capitol Records in 1953, Sinatra proceeded to record a seemingly endless string of hits considered by many to be his best work.

With songs like I've Got The World On A String, I Get A Kick Out Of You and In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning, Sinatra solidified his reputation as a world class entertainer.

Movie-goers in the "rock 'n' roll decade" were also treated to plenty of Frank. In addition to From Here to Eternity (1953), he also appeared in films such as Guys and Dolls (1955), The Man with the Golden Arm (1955) and Some Came Running (1958). By the end of the decade, Sinatra had appeared in 20 films over the 10-year span.

Seeming to some like a workaholic, Sinatra even turned his fun into work during the 50's. Assembling a group of his friends (Dean Martin, Peter Lawford, Sammy Davis, Jr. and sometimes Joey Bishop), Sinatra knocked the entertainment world on its ear with his gang of entertainers that came to be known as "The Rat Pack".

Appearing together live, on recordings and in films, "The Rat Pack" caroused and performed together for years, and even managed to strike a blow for civil rights in the process.

By demanding desegregation at all their performance venues and popular off-stage haunts, "The Rat Pack" showed the world they weren't such "rats" after all.

Having proven his resiliency in the 50's, Sinatra continued on to become known as one of the greatest performers of all time. And even after his death in 1998, his career lives on.

Sinatra in 1947

Sinatra in 1947

The Rat Pack

"The Rat Pack"


2009. május 9., szombat

Pioneers Of Jazz Guitar (1927-39) Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio Home Sound Recording Studio 2009.


01 Eddie's Twister
02 April Kisses
03 Prelude in C Sharp Minor, Op. 3,
04 a Little Love, a Little Kiss
05 Melody Man's Dream
06 Perfect
07 Rainbow Dreams
08 Add a Little Wiggle
09 Jeannine (I Dream of Lilac Time)
10 I'll Never Be the Same
11 Church Street Sobbin' Blues
12 There'll Be Some Changes Made
13 Pickin' my Way [Guitar Mania, Pt.
14 Feeling my Way [Guitar Mania, Pt.
15 Danzon
16 Stage Fright
17 Chicken a La Swing
18 Heat Wave
19 Afterthoughts [in Three Movements
20 Afterthoughts [in Three Movements
21 Peg Leg Shuffle
22 Helena
23 Love Song
4 Sutton Mutton

2009. május 7., csütörtök

Attila Zoller - ZO - KO - SO LP Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio Home Sound Recording Studio 2002.


01 - Mr. Heine's Blues
02 - The End Of A Love Affair
03 - Stella By Starlight
04 - After Glow
05 - My Old Flame
06 - Away From The Crowd
07 - All The Things You Are
08 - Stompin' At The Savoy
09 - H. - J. Meets M. A

Hans koller (ts)
Martial Solal (p)
Attila Zoller (g)

Attila Zoller - ZO - KO - MA LP Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio Home Sound Recording Studio 2002.


01 - Zores Mores
02 - Feeling-In And Feeling-In In Villingen
03 - Ach Tavia - Skertzo - Allicia's Lullaby
04 - At Twighillte
05 - Struwwelpeter
06 - Alat's Mood
07 - Freeline Fraulein
08 - Danke For The Memory
09 - Rumpelstilzchen

Attila Zoller, (guitar)
Lee Konitz, (alto sax)
Albert Mangelsdorff (trobon)
Barre Phillips (bass)
Stu Martin (drums)

Zo-Ko-Ma (1968),

Guitarist Attila Zoller, alto saxophonist Lee Konitz and trombonist Albert Mangelsdorff had played with one another on earlier occasions for over a decade, but this 1968 recording was their first together though Zo-Ko-Ma is officially billed by producer Joachim Ernst-Berendt as the "Attila Zoller-Lee Konitz Quartet with guest Albert Mangelsdorff." Joined by bassist Barre Phillips and drummer Stu Martin on some tracks, a good deal of the music has an experimental feeling to it, especially Konitz's "Feeling-In and Filling-In Villingen," which feature overlapping improvisations by the three players. Zoller's easygoing waltz "At Twighlite" and Mangelsdorff's "Alat's Mood" (the latter a trombone/guitar duet) are straight-ahead arrangements, while Konitz's haunting "Danke for the Memory" is a spacy trio piece with bass and guitar. Issued on LP by MPS in Europe, this extraordinary session is long overdue to be re-released on CD. ~ Ken Dryden, All Music Guide

Attila Zoller - When It's Time (1995) CD



01 - Attila Zoller - When It's Time - Joy For Joy
02 - Attila Zoller - When It's Time - Lu And Shu
03 - Attila Zoller - When It's Time - After The Morning
04 - Attila Zoller - When It's Time - The Song Is You
05 - Attila Zoller - When It's Time - When It's Time
06 - Attila Zoller - When It's Time - Homage To O.P.
07 - Attila Zoller - When It's Time - Meant To Be
08 - Attila Zoller - When It's Time - Voyage

Attila Zoller - Masahiko Sato - Duologue LP Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio Home Sound Recording Studio 2002.


01 - Zoller Attila - Failing In Love Whit Love
02 - Zoller Attila - The Lock Of Love
03 - Zoller Attila - You Stepped Out Of A Dream
04 - Zoller Attila - Duologue

Attila Zoller - Katz and Maus Filmmusik LP Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio Home Sound Recording Studio 2002


01 - Attila Zoller - Katz and Maus - Mahlke
02 - Attila Zoller - Katz and Maus - Conradinum Ballade
03 - Attila Zoller - Katz and Maus - Pilenz
04 - Attila Zoller - Katz and Maus - Catnip
05 - Attila Zoller - Katz and Maus - A. B. J.
06 - Attila Zoller - Katz and Maus - Seascape

Attila Zoller - Guitar Genius In Japan LP Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio Home Sound Recording Studio 2002.


01 - Zoller Attila - Scarbrough
02 - Zoller Attila - People
03 - Zoller Attila - Gingerbread Boy
04 - Zoller Attila - Green Dolphin Street
05 - Zoller Attila - When Sunny Gets Blue
06 - Zoller Attila - Watch What Happen
07 - Zoller Attila - Secret Love
08 - Zoller Attila - When Would I Love
09 - Zoller Attila - All The Things You Are
10 - Zoller Attila - Just Friends

Attila Zoller - A Path Trough Haze Lp Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio Home Sound Recording Studio 2002.


01 - Zoller Attila - Meet
02 - Zoller Attila - Sazo
03 - Zoller Attila - Black Is The Color Of My True Loves Hair
04 - Zoller Attila - Close Up
05 - Zoller Attila - Together - Not Alone
06 - Zoller Attila - A Path Trough Haze

2009. május 4., hétfő

Noite Ilustrada - Canta Ataulpho Alves


01. Ai Que Saudades da Amélia : 02:44
02. Mulata Assanhada : 02:45
03. Pois É : 02:42
04. Na Cadęncia do Samba : 02:39
05. Laranja Madura : 02:41
06. Sei Que é Covardia... Mas... : 02:55
07. Leva Meu Samba : 03:53
08. Talento Năo Tem Idade : 03:20
09. Errei... Erramos... : 03:22
10. Meus Tempos de Criança : 04:40
11. Lagoa Serena : 02:29
12. Bohęmio : 03:23
13. Infidelidade : 04:24
14. Fęnix : 04:49