2012. december 22., szombat

Re Upload Csendes éj - Karácsonyi énekek - Beautiful Christmas Carols ( Personal sorting )



Bonus Track:     Csendes az ej - Hungarian Silent Night

01 - Karacsonyi imadsag / Dr. Ravasz Laszlo /Hungarian/
02 - Karacsonyi enek / Koreh Endre /Hungarian/
03 - Menybol az angyal - Sky From Angel
04 - Pasztorok pasztorok / Sepherds Sephers /
05 - Csendes az ej - Hungarian Silent Night
06 - Johann Sebastian Bach - Pastorale BWV 565 1. Tetel
07 - Silent Night - Holy Night / Bing Crosby
08 - Christmas Bells / Perry Como
09 - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas / Perry Como
10 - It's Begining To Look Alot like Christmas / Perry Como
11 - Jingle Bells / Perry Como
12 - Love Is A Christmas Rose / Perry Como
13 - O Holy Night / Perry Como
14 - Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer / Perry Como
15 - Silver Bells / Perry Como
16 - Toyland Christmas / Perry Como
17 - Bali Ha'i / Perry Como
18 - Jingle Bells / Ingmar Nordstr-9m
19 - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town / Bing Crosby
20 - Silver Bells / Bing Crosby
21 - White Christmas / Bing Crosby
22 - I'll Be Home For Chrismas / Bing Crosby
23 - Sleigh Bells / Gene Autry
24 - Hawe Yourself A Merry Little Christmas / Frank Sinatra
25 - I'ts Beginn To Look Like Christmas / Bing Crosby
26 - Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer / Rosemary Looney
27 - Mele Kalikimaka ( Merry Christmas ) / Bing Crosby

DiscTime 76:49:64

Ez a karácsonyi album válogatás, egy kifejezetten hagyományos zenei összeállítás. Az album különlegessége az első és második felvétel ami még az 1935 - 40 -es években készült. A lemez 78-as és természetesen restaurált jó minőségben hallgatható. A lemez egy harmada a tipikus magyar sajátosságoknak megfelelően lett összeállítva. A többi pedig, a legnagyobb vilagíirű előadók által készített dalok válogatása, természetesen nagy részük itt is kijavítva került a listába.

This Christmas album is selecting, a traditional musical compilation. The speciality of the album the first one and second uptake that yet it 1935 - 40 -es was established in years. The disk in a 78 and good quality restored naturally can be listened. The disk one third he was chosen according to the typical Hungarian peculiarities.
The rest of the uptake though, the selecting of the songs performed by the famous lecturers.
Their big part got into the list corrected here naturally.

2012. december 15., szombat

Percy Faith and His Orchestra - Bim Bam Boom 1968 LP Digital noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio made 2012.

Percy Faith and His Orchestra_DATA

Percy Faith and His Orchestra 

01 Bim Bam Boom         
02 Oye Negra            
03 Tropic Holiday       
04 Samba De Orfeu       
05 No Balanco Do Jequiba
06 Reza

07 Nao Tem Problema     
08 Sim                  
09 Estrada Branca         

10 Maracangalha          

2012. december 8., szombat

RE UPLOAD ! Kovács Erzsi - Tűzpiros virág 1957 - 1961 LP Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed at Audio Design Studió made 2002.

Kovacs Erzsi - 01 - Jo az almodozas
Kovacs Erzsi - 02 - Rejtely
Kovacs Erzsi - 03 - Tuzpiros virag
Kovacs Erzsi - 04 - Veled is megtortenhet egyszer
Kovacs Erzsi - 05 - Ugy eltennek kicsit a boldogsagbol
Kovacs Erzsi - 06 - Lassankent majd megtanulom en is
Kovacs Erzsi - 07 - Ki emlekszik ra
Kovacs Erzsi - 08 - Ezt a nagy szerelmet toled kaptam en
Kovacs Erzsi - 09 - Ha most az egyszer vissza jonnel
Kovacs Erzsi - 10 - Regi ora halkan jar
Kovacs Erzsi - 11 - Kek obol
Kovacs Erzsi - 12 - Hova tunt a sok virag
Kovacs Erzsi - 13 - Bucsuzni csak nagyon szepen szabad
Kovacs Erzsi - 14 - Szeretlek akkor is
Kovacs Erzsi - 15 - Ha azt kerdezne most valaki tolem

Ez a lemez a sok kedvencek egyike. A felvételek 1957 és 1960 között készültek, és ha igaz 1961-ben adták ki. Ami a lényeg, hogy nagyon sok munkával, sikerült ezt az LP-t olyan szintre hozni, hogy a mai modern korhoz hasonló minőségben ismét hallgathato legyen.

2012. december 7., péntek

Lajos Miller - Verdi Baritone Arias - Digital transfer and restored, noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio made 2012.

Miller DATA

01 - Nabucco (Solera) Son pur queste mie membra! - Dio di Giuda
02 - La Traviata (Piave) - Di Provenza il mar, il suol
03 - Ernani (Piave) - Gran Dio! . . Oh, de’ verd’ anni miei
04 - Rigoletto (Piave) - Cortigiani, vil razza, dannata
05 - Luisa Miller (Cammarano) - Ferma ed ascoita - Sacra Ia sceita
06 - Macbeth (Piave - Maffei) - Perfidi! AII’Anglo contro me - Pietà, rispetto, amore
07 - Un Ballo In Maschera (Somma) - Aizati! . . . En tu

Tanulmányait a Liszt Ferenc Zeneakadémián végezte. 1968-ban, rögtön a diploma megszerzése után az Operaház társulatának tagja lett. Kezdőként Valentint, Wolframot, Don Giovannit, Anyegint, Silviot énekelte majd következtek a Verdi operák hősbariton szerepei, amelyek repertoárjának gerincét alkották (Macbeth, Don Carlos, A végzet hatalma, Ernani, Traviata, Simon Boccanegra). A nemzetközi hírnévhez vezettek a rangos külföldi versenygyőzelmek is. Az 1974-es párizsi Fauré-versenyen a nagydíjat, a dalkategória első diját, valamint a Pompidou-különdíjat nyerte el. 1975-ben a trevisoi Trubadur-versenyen kiváló Luna grófját első díjjal jutalmazták. Rendszeresen énekelt a milánói Scalában és a bécsi Staatsoperben. Fellépett New Yorkban, Houstonban, Philadelphiában és Washingtonban is, de eljutott a Buenos Airesi Teatro Colónba is. 1992-től ismét a budapesti Operaházban énekel.
Főbb szerepei

    Csajkovszkij: Anyegin – Anyegin
    Csajkovszkij: A pikk dáma – Jeletzki
    Donizetti: Don Pasquale – Malatesta
    Erkel: Bánk Bán – Bánk bán
    Erkel: Sarolta – Gyula vitéz
    Umberto Giordano: Andrea Chenier – Gerard
    Goldmark: Téli rege – Polixenes
    Gounod: Faust – Valentin
    Rossini: A sevillai borbély – Figaro
    Ruzitska József: Béla futása – Kálmán
    Verdi: Az álarcosbál – René
    Verdi: Macbeth – Macbeth
    Verdi: Traviata – Giorgio Germont
    Verdi: A trubadúr – Luna gróf
    Wagner: Tannhäuser – Wolfram

József Gregor - The Great Buffo Scenes - Digital transfer and restored, noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio made 2012.

Gregor DATA_1

Gregor DATA_2

01 - ZAIDE (J. A. Schachtner) ,,Wer hungrig bei der Tafel sitzt” - Osmin; Act 2
02 - ,,Solche hergelaufne Laffen” Osmin; Act 1.
03 - ,,Ha! wie will ich triumphieren” Osmin; Act 3
04 - I LA Nozze Di Figaro (L. da Ponte) ,,La vendetta, oh, Ia vendetta” Bartolo; Act 1
05 - Il Barbiere Di Siviglia (C. Sterbini) ,,A un dottor della mia sorte”Bartolo; Act1
06 - ,,Miei rampolli, femminini”
07 - ,,Sia qualunque delle figlie”
08 - L’ELISIR D’AMORE - ,,Udite, udite, o rustici”
09 - DON PASQUALE (G. Ruffini) - ,,Ah un foco insolito”
10 - ,,Cheti, cheti immantinente”

 A kezdet

Gregor József és Bárdi Sándor kettőse, Mozart: Szöktetés a szerájból című vígoperája szegedi előadásán - 1977-ben. Vezényelt: Pál Tamás

Gregor József vegyésznek készült, de terveibe beleszólt az 1956-os forradalom. Nem akart énekes lenni, de tíz éven át tanult hegedülni. Énekére a rákosligeti katolikus templomban figyelt fel egy zenetanár, amikor Gregor a disszidált kántor helyett énekelt.

1957. február 5-én felvételizett a konzervatóriumba. 1957-1959 között a budapesti Bartók Béla Zeneművészeti Szakiskola tanulója, de tanulmányait három év után félbehagyta.

1959-ben felvették a Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Főiskola ének tanszakára, de a maga sajátos és nem mindig a jó modor diktálta stílusa miatt mindkét iskolájából, a konzervatóriumból és a Zeneakadémiáról eltanácsolták. A Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Főiskolán Rösler Endre volt a mestere. 1959-ben a budapesti Operaházba ment próbaéneklésre, de leállították, mikor Gremin áriáját énekelte.

1959-1963 között a Magyar Néphadsereg Művészegyüttesének tagja.
Szeged, Győr, New York

1963-ben Szegedi Nemzeti Színházba ment próbaéneklésre, itt figyelt fel tehetségére és énektudására Vaszy Viktor színházigazgató, aki biztatta, hogy képezze a hangját, s azonnal szerződtette. 1964–1988 között Szegedi Nemzeti Színház énekese. Első szerepe A varázsfuvolából Sarastro.

Közben 1976-tól a Magyar Állami Operaház magánénekeseként is működött. (Kezdetben motorkerékpáron tette meg oda-vissza az utat.)

1988–89-ben a Kisfaludy Színház tagja volt Győrött.

1989–1991 között a Szegedi Nemzeti Színház operatagozatának igazgatója.

1994–1995 között a New York-i Metropolitan Opera tagja. Tizenöt éven át énekelt különböző külföldi színpadokon.

Egyforintos rendezés

2003-ban, 63 évesen debütált rendezőként, Verdi Don Carlosát vitte színre.

Páratlan színpadi ösztönével és csalhatatlan társadalompszichológiai érzékével már hetekkel a bemutató előtt kibérelte magának a címlapokat, amikor közölte, hogy a munkát egy forintért vállalta. A Szegedi Nemzeti Színház siralmas anyagi helyzete indokolta a spórolást. A minihonor piárötletként is bevált. Így el lehetett érni, hogy egy operabemutató a műfaj iránt nem érdeklődő emberek körében is közbeszéd tárgya legyen.

Vaszy Viktor

„Vaszy Viktor vett oda 1963-ban Szegedre, tőle tanultam mindent. Mint jó apától pofont is kaptam, simogatást is. Simogatást ritkábban, de ha mégis, nagyon meg voltam hatva tőle. Vaszy Viktor megtanított a munka szeretetére, a pontosságra, hogy "befektetés" nélkül nem várható eredmény. Hogy magas színvonalú előadás csak szigorú, alapos próbafolyamat után jöhet létre. Hogy a művészetben sincsenek véletlenek.”

„Ha azt mondta volna, fessük be az eget, nem azt kérdeztük volna, hogy hogyan, hanem azt, hogy milyen színűre.”


A gárdonyi kis nyaralóban szívesen időzött, sokszor innen járt fellépni is, Pestre, Szegedre. Gárdonyban nagyon szeretett tanulni. Hajnalban kiült a teraszra, nézte a kertet, memorizálgatott és élvezte a nyugalmat, a csendet. Ez jelentette számára a legnagyobb kikapcsolódást.


Felesége Dr. Takács Mária (Marika) orvosi hivatását adta fel – már mindketten válás után voltak, amikor megismerkedtek –, hogy férjét segítse munkájában. Lánya Gregor Bernadett színésznő.


Gregor József 2006 szeptemberében bejelentette: nem vállal több fellépést, sem színházban, sem koncerten. Egy hónappal később, október 22-én Magyar Köztársasági Érdemrend középkeresztje a csillaggal (polgári tagozat) kitüntetésben részesült, amelyet állapota miatt felesége vett át. Súlyos betegséget követően 2006. október 27-én hunyt el. A szegedi Belvárosi Temetőben nyugszik.

Főbb szerepei

    Reb Tevje (Hegedűs a háztetőn)
    Sarastro (A varázsfuvola)
    Falstaff (Falstaff)
    Mefisztó (Faust)
    Ozmin (Szöktetés a szerájból)
    Borisz Godunov, Varlaam (Borisz Godunov)
    Pomádé király (Pomádé király új ruhája),
    Don Pasquale (Don Pasquale)
    Don Magnifico (Hamupipőke)
    Don Alfonso (Così fan tutte)
    Leporelló (Don Giovanni)
    Dulcamara (Szerelmi bájital)
    Gremin (Anyegin)
    Banquo (Macbeth)
    Fiesco (Simon Boccanegra)

Forras: Vikipedia

2012. december 1., szombat

Kodály Háry János - Suite / Respighi Feste Romane (Roman Festivals) LP Digital transfer and restored, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio made 2012.

1 - Koddly Ha’y János —Suite
(from the NBC boadcast of November 29, 1947)

2 - Respighi Feste Romane (Roman Festivals)
Arturo Toscanini and the NBC Symphony Orchestra

Rachmaninoff Concerto No. 2, in C Minor, Op. 18 / Liszt Concerto No. 1, in E-Flat Digital transfer and restored, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio made 2012.

Download DATA

Rachmaninoff Concerto No. 2, in C Minor, Op. 18
with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Fritz Reiner’ Conductor

Liszt Concerto No. 1, in E-Flat
with the RCA Victor Symphony Orchestra, Alfred Willenstein, Conductor
Artur Rubinstein, Pianist

Brahms - Symohony No.4.LP Digital transfer and restored, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio made 2012.


Arturo Toscanini
arid the
NBC Symphony Orchestra

A side

1 - First Movement:          Allegro non troppo
2 - Second Movement:     Andante moderato

B side

1 - Third Movement:         Allegro giocoso      
2 - Fourth Movement:       Allegro energico e passionato

RE UPLOAD ! Billy Vaughn - Pearly Shells LP 1965 - Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio Home Sound Recording Studio 2009.

01 - Pearly Shells
02 - Peg O' My Heart
03 - I Cried For You
04 - Everybody Loves Somebody
05 - A Taste Of Honey
06 - The Girl From Ipanema
07 - Maybe
08 - For Me And My Gal
09 - Caravan
10 - Moonlight And Shadows
11 - Over The Rainbow
12 - Again

01_1 - Bonus Track - All Stars Hawaiian Band - Pearly Shells

2012. november 20., kedd

RE UPLOAD.....The Dinning Sisters 1945 - 48 LP Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio 2009.

Download DATA

01 - Sentimental Gentleman
02 - Where Or When
03 - You're A Character, Baby
04 - Once In A While
05 - Buttons And Bows
06 - Harlem Sandman
07 - Beg Your Pardon
08 - The Way You Look Tonight
09 - Aunt Hagar's Blues
10 - Please Don't Talk About Me
11 - Brazil
12 - I Love My Love
13 - Love On A Greyhound Bus
14 - San Antonio Rose

Original Capitol Records 1945 - 1948

RE UPLOAD ... Mantovani and His Orchestra - A Lifetime of Music LP Didital Cleaning and remastered at Audio Design Studio 2008


01. Charmaine [03:07]
02. Tenderly [03:32]
03. If I Loved You [03:36]
04. Summertime [02:49]
05. Greensleeves [03:25]
06. People [02:39]
07. No Other Love [02:39]
08. Forgotten Dreams [03:11]
09. Swedish Rhapsody [02:39]
10. A Woman In Love [02:23]
11. My Way [03:23]
12. Try To Remember [02:43]
13. Almost There [02:53]
14. Blue Tango [02:37]
15. Mexican Hat Dance [02:45]

LP _ 2

01. Around The World [02:05]
02. Andalucia (The Breeze And I) [02:40]
03. As Time Goes By [03:37]
04. So In Love [02:37]
05. The Very Thought Of You [03:31]
06. The Way You Look Tonight [02:50]
07. All The Things You Are [03:05]
08. Catari, Catari [04:34]
09. Lonely Ballerina [03:22]
10. Italia Mia (My Italy) [02:44]
11. Elizabethen Serenade [03:04]
12. I Left My Heart In San Francisco [02:12]
13. On A Clear Day [03:00]
14. Moulin Rouge [02:52]
15. Londonderry Air [04:11]

2012. november 18., vasárnap

Bossa Nova - Brazilian Jazz LP Digital restored, noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio made 2012.

Bossa Nova DATA


01 - Olhou Pra Mim
02 - Blues Walk
03 - Ceu e Mar
04 - Green Dolphin Street
05 - Menina Feia
06 - Sol e Chuva
07 - Bossa 3 Theme
08 - Nao Faz Assim
09 - Somebody Loves Me
10 - So Saudade
11 - Influencia do Jazz
12 - Zelao

2012. november 15., csütörtök

RE UPLOAD - Steerpike Blues Band - LP Archív 1968 Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio 2008.

Original LP Coover Front

Original LP Coover Back

Steerpike Blues Band @320 k


01 - Rain On My Coat
02 - Rock Me Baby
03 - Dust My Broom
04 - Help Me
05 - Dust My Broom
06 - Route 69
07 - Rollin` And Tumblin`
08 - Comin` Home
09 - No Time To Jive
10 - The Train Is Coming
11 - Nobody Knows My Troubles
12 - The Evil Going Down
13 - Save The Doctor
14 - Cold Cold Heart

2012. november 12., hétfő

The Modernaires - Like Swung LP Digital restored, noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio made 2012.



01 - The Modernaires - If Dreams Come True
02 - The Modernaires - Don't Dream Of Anybody But Me
03 - The Modernaires - Shiny Stockings
04 - The Modernaires - What A Diff'rence A Day Made
05 - The Modernaires - Ja-Da (Cha Cha Cha)
06 - The Modernaires - Everything's Coming Up Roses
07 - The Modernaires - Like Young
08 - The Modernaires - The Rockin' Ghost
09 - The Modernaires - Romantique
10 - The Modernaires - The Girl With The Long Black Hair

2012. november 11., vasárnap

Mahalia Jackson - Greatest Hits ( P ) 1963 CBS 62168 Digital transfer, restored, noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio made 2012.

Mahalia Jackson_DATA

Mahalia Jackson ZippyShare

01. Walk In Jerusalem
02. The Upper Room
03. He Calmed The Ocean
04. It Is No Secret
05. How I Got Over
06. Then The Answer Came
07. Just Over The Hill
08. That's What He's Done For Me
09. Move On Up A Little Higher
10. Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen

Erroll Garner - Amiga Jazz ( 1948 - 1955 ) LP Digital transfer, restored, noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio made 2012.

Erroll Garner_DATA

Erroll Garner_ZippyShare

01 - Misty   1954
02 - Exactly Like You  1954
03 - You Are My Sunshine 1954
04 - What Is This Thing Called Love 1955
05 - Frantonality 1946
06 - Again 1955
07 - Where On When 1948
08 - Love In Bloom 1955
09 - Trough A LongAnd SleeplessNight 1955
10 - That Old Feeling 1955

2012. november 8., csütörtök

Hukilau Hulas Vol. 2 Digital restored and noise cleaning, at Audio Design Studio made 2012.

Hukilau Hulas Vol. 2_1

Hukilau Hulas Vol. 2_2

01 Keep Your Eyes On The Hands
02 Sweet Someone 
03 Maui Girl
00 Island Moon 
05 Pau Pilikia 
06 To Make You Love Me
07 Hii Lawe                              
08 Heju Ono La                          
09 Pupu O Nii Hau                        
10 Hano Hano Hanalei                     
11 Minoi Minoi E                         
12 Hui Mawaho O Ka Waa (The Surfers' Song)

2012. november 3., szombat

Xavier Cugat - Caricatures LP 1964 Digital restored, noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio made 2012.

Original source     http://loungelegends.blogspot.com

01 - Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words)
02 - Night Train
03 - Vanessa
04 - My Funny Valentine
05 - Green Eyes
06 - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
07 - Desafinado (Slightly Out Of Tune)
08 - Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini
09 - The Continental
10 - Papa Loves Mambo
11 - I've Got The World On A String
12 - Witchcraft


2012. október 29., hétfő

Edmundo Ros - Latin World Vol2 Digital noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio made 2012.

Edmundo Ros

01 - Aquarius                   
02 - Corcovado                  
03 - Cumana                     
04 - Carnival                   
05 - La Golondrina              
06 - Spanish Flea               
07 - Good Morning Starshine     
08 - Mambo Number Five          
09 - What A Difference A Day Made
10 - Felicidade                 
11 - The Laughing Samba         
12 - La Cucaracha               

2012. október 28., vasárnap

Erroll Garner - Up in Errolls Room LP (1968) Digital noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio made 2012.

Erroll Garner - Up in Errolls Room

Erroll Garner - Up in Errolls Room (1968)

01 - Watermelon Man          
02 - It's the Talk of the Town
03 - Groovin' High           
04 - The Girl from Ipanema   
05 - The Coffee Song         
06 - Cheek to Cheek          
07 - Up in Erroll's Room     
08 - A Lot of Living to Do   
09 - I Got Rhythm            

Erroll Garner - Gemini LP 1972 Digital noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio made 2012.

Erroll Garner - Gemini

01 - A1 How High The Moon               
02 - A2 It Could Happen To You          
03 - A3 Gemini                          
04 - A4 When A Gipsy Makes His Violin Cry
05 - B1 Tea For Two                     
06 - B2 Something                       
07 - B3 Eldorado                        
08 - B4 These Foolish Things            

Susie Arioli Swing Band featuring Jordan Officer - Pennies From Heaven (2002) Justin Time

Susie Arioli Swing Band

Susie Arioli Swing Band featuring Jordan Officer - Pennies From Heaven (2002) [Justin Time]

01 Pennies From Heaven            
02 Honeysuckle Rose               
03 Night And Day                  
04 Foolin' Myself                 
05 Jordan's Boogie                
06 Don't Explain                  
07 I'll Never Smile Again         
08 Having Fun                     
09 Sit Down, Baby                 
10 Walter's Flat                  
11 He Needs Me                    
12 Do Nothing 'Til You Hear From Me
13 No Regrets                     

As soon as this sweet baker's dozen swings into action, you may feel as if you have walked into a lemonade commercial. The slightly sleepy fretwork of Jordan Officer gets the opening title track off to a dreamy start and Susie Arioli's brightly burred vocals follow along quite nicely. Pacing up for "Honeysuckle Rose," down again for a sparkling "Night and Day," and then way up for a rockabilly ride through the well-titled original "Jordan's Boogie," the dynamic duo and their competent support staff keep the mix interesting but never lose their underlying sense of fun. Even in the after-hours ballad "Don't Explain," Arioli keeps a slight smirk in her voice, as if her man has done her wrong and he wants to watch him squirm a bit. Similarly, the chugging blues "Having Fun" retains its titular tone despite its downtempo setting and "I'll Never Smile Again" is laced with a subtle hint of pride. Even when the music is slow and mellow, Arioli's ability to capture and project its mood-lifting capacity that makes the song (and the band) truly swing.
Track Listing: Pennies from Heaven; Honeysuckle Rose; Night and Day; Fooling Myself; Jordan's Boogie; Don't Explain; I'll Never Smile Again; Having Fun; Sit Down Baby; Walter's Flat*; He Needs Me; Do Nothing `Til You Hear from Me; No Regrets.
Personnel: Susie Arioli: vocals, snare drum; Jordan Officer: guitar; Michael Jerome Browne: guitar; Jeff Healey: guitar; Solon McDade: bass; Colin Bray: bass; Ralph Sutton: piano (10).

2012. október 21., vasárnap

Benny Goodman at his rare of all rarest performances vol. 1 - 60's LP - Durium Digital Restored, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio made 2012

Benny Goodman at his rare of all rarest performances vol. 1 - 60's -  Durium

01. Blue Haway
02. Veni, veni
03. All of me
04. The yam  
05. Moten swing
06. Clap hands here comes Charlie
07. Sly mongoose
08. Hot foot shuffle
09. Hold tight
10. Hartford stomp
11. Begin the beguine


V. A.- The World of Foxtrott and Quickstep (2cd) 1999

Download DATA_1

Download DATA_2

01 - you're the cream in my coffee (quickstep)
02 - merci, mon ami, es war wunderschon (langs, foxtrott)
03 - traviata swing (foxtrott)
04 - bei mir bist du schon (quickstep)
05 - oh danny boy (langs, foxtrott)
06 - keep in touch (foxtrott)
07 - im schonen wienerwald (quickstep)
08 - be my love (langs, foxtrott)
09 - super cup (quickstep)
10 - new york, new york (langs, foxtrott)
11 - swinging in bavaria (quickstep)
12 - petite fleur (langs, foxtrott)
13 - plusch (quickstep)
14 - song of india (quickstep)
15 - rhapsody in blue (langs, foxtrott)
16 - good night ladies (quickstep)
17 - dancing in the dark (langs, foxtrott)
18 - quickly (quickstep)
19 - careless love (langs, foxtrott)
20 - amboss quick (quickstep)
21 - love is a many splendored thing (langs, foxtrott)
22 - in the hall of the mountain king (quickstep)
23 - liebestraum (foxtrott)
24 - dance darling dance (quickstep)
25 - smoke gets in your eyes (langs, foxtrott)
26 - ja, das schreiben und das lesen (quickstep)
27 - symphony (langs, foxtrot)
28 - on a wonderful day like today (quickstep)

release: 1999
country: germany

Timi Yuro - The very best of


01 - What a difference a day made

02 - i'l love you how you love me
03 - Somewher over the Rainbow
04 - Into each life some rain must fall
05 - You always hurts the one you love
06 - Tenderly
07 - Who's sorry now
08 - I'm yours
09 - (You are) my special angel
10 - Walk away
11 - I'll be seeing you
12 - Can't help loving that man
13 - Misty
14 - You'll never walk alone
15 - But I do
16 - Are you lonesome tonight

Early years

According to her record label, Liberty Records, Yuro moved with her family to Los Angeles. There, she sang in her parents' Italian restaurant and in local clubs before catching the eye and ear of record executives. Signed to Liberty, she had a U.S. Billboard No. 4 single in 1961 with "Hurt", an R&B ballad that had been an early success for Roy Hamilton. On "Hurt" and on her Billboard No. 12 follow-up in 1962, "What's a Matter Baby (Is It Hurting You?)", Yuro showed an emotional but elegant vocal style that owed a debt to Dinah Washington and other black jazz singers. Many listeners in the early 1960s thought Yuro was black. She opened for Frank Sinatra on his 1961 tour of Australia.

In 1963, Liberty released Make the World Go Away, an album of country and blues standards. The singer at her vocal peak, this recording includes the hit title song (later a bigger hit for Eddy Arnold, with whom the song is usually associated), a version of Willie Nelson's "Permanently Lonely", and two different blues takes of "I'm Movin' On". Yuro was also known for soulful reworkings of popular American standards, such as "Let Me Call You Sweetheart", "Smile", and "I Apologize".

In the 1960s, Yuro made two TV appearances on The Ed Sullivan Show and was a guest on American Bandstand, Where the Action Is, and The Lloyd Thaxton Show. In 1967, Yuro appeared in a black-and-white film in the Philippines as a guest star alongside Filipino comedians Dolphy and Panchito in a comedy titled Buhay Marino (Life of a Sailor). At that time, the singer was very popular in the Philippines.

Later career

By the late 1960s, Yuro had performed in venues from London to Las Vegas. However, her career soon lost its early momentum, and she quit the music business altogether after her marriage in 1969.

In 1981, Yuro attempted a comeback in the Netherlands, performing as a guest of honor on Dutch national television. She rerecorded a version of "Hurt" that reached No. 5 on the Dutch pop charts. She also signed to the Dutch record label Dureco to record a new album, All Alone Am I; it went to No. 1 on the Dutch album charts and was eventually certified as a gold record. With these successes, Yuro moved to the Netherlands and continued with a string of hit singles and albums. After her record sales began to decline there in the mid-1980s, Yuro returned to the United States.

In the mid-1980s, Yuro's American doctors detected throat cancer. Her larynx was eventually removed, and in 2004 she died of cancer. Her last recording was the vinyl album Today, which was released in 1982 by Ariola and produced by her old friend and collaborator Willie Nelson. In 1990, the disc was reissued as a CD, remastered and remixed by Yuro herself on her own label Timi and titled Timi Yuro Sings Willie Nelson.


Yuro's work is admired in the United States as well as in Great Britain and the Netherlands. According to the obituary in the Las Vegas Sun, her hometown paper, Yuro's most famous fan was probably Elvis Presley, who commanded his own table at the casino where Yuro headlined in the late 1960s. (Presley had a Top 10 country hit, and Top 30 pop hit, with his 1976 version of "Hurt".) In April 2004, Morrissey announced Yuro's death on his official website, describing her as his "favorite singer". (Morrissey also recorded a version of Yuro's "Interlude" with Siouxsie Sioux in 1994.) P.J. Proby knew Timi Yuro from their time in Hollywood, and often mentions it during his performances of "Hurt".

Elkie Brooks recorded a version of Yuro's classic "What's a Matter Baby" on her 1988 album Bookbinder's Kid. Yuro was so impressed with the version, she contacted Brooks while she was on a UK tour, and the two kept in contact.

Yuro found success on the dance floors of northern England in the 1970s and 1980s when Northern Soul DJs championed her up-tempo tracks of "It'll Never Be Over for Me" and "What's a Matter Baby". The former has remained an important Northern Soul track; the latter was re-released on Kent Records in the 1980s.


In 2008, a website managed by the Official Timi Yuro Association was up and running: http://www.timi-yuro.com/

The Official Timi Yuro Association was founded by Timi Yuro and Andy Lensen in September 1981 for her fans worldwide. Its current goals are to promote Yuro's music and legacy by sharing memories, stories, articles and photos, and exchanging information about her biography, discography, rare recordings, and live and recorded performances.



    Hurt! (Liberty Records 7208, 1961)
    Soul (Liberty Records 7212, 1962)
    Let Me Call You Sweetheart (Liberty Records 7234, 1962)
    What's a Matter Baby (Liberty Records 7263, 1963)
    The Best of Timi Yuro (Liberty Records 7286, 1963)
    Make the World Go Away (Liberty Records 7319, 1963)
    The Amazing Timi Yuro (Mercury Records 60963, 1964)
    Timi Yuro (Sunset Records 5107, 1966)
    Something Bad on My Mind (Liberty Records 7594, 1968)
    All Alone Am I (Dureco Benelux 77.011, 1981)
    I'm Yours (Arcade, 1982)
    Today (Ariola, 1982)

( source Wikipedia.org )

2012. október 20., szombat

Dancin' Stereo Lp Digital Restored and mixed, at Audio Design Studio


01 - Les Brown & his Band Of Renown - I've got my Love to keep me warm
02 - Art Linkletter & Muzzy Marcelino - The Continental
03 - Ray Anthony & His Orchestra - Blue Hawaii
04 - The Jonah Jones Quartet - Arrivederci Roma
05 - Kenyon Hopkins - Serenata
06 - Van Alexander & His Orchestra - Undecided
07 - Les Brown & His Band Of Renown - Ramona
08 - Alvino Ray His Guitars & Orchestra - 12th Street Rag
09 - Ray Anthony & His Orchestra - Dream While You Dance
10 - Van Alexander & His Orchestra - A Tisket-A tasket
11 - The Jonah Jones Quartet - Isle Of Capri
12 - Art Linkletter & Muzzy Marcelino - Get Happy

2012. október 12., péntek

Fantastic Mood In 4 Chanel LP Toshiba TP-92003Z / MC Digital transfer, noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio made 2012.

Original Coover front

Download DATA

01        02         03

01 - Twilight Time             
02 - Haunted Guitar            
03 - Executioner Theme         
04 - Everybody Loves Some Body 
05 - The Proud Ones            
06 - Left My Heart In San Francisco
07 - Harbour Light             
08 - It's Been A Long Long Time
09 - La Ragazza                
10 - ????????                         
11 - Too Young (a detail)      

12 - ????????

2012. szeptember 19., szerda

Tony Mottola - Roman Guitar LP (1962) Digital noise cleaning, remastered and mixed at Audio Design Studio made 2012 .

Tony Mottola DATA

Tony Mottola (1918 - 2004) - Roman Guitar (1962)

01. Tony Mottola - Roman Guitar                 
02. Tony Mottola - La Strada                    
03. Tony Mottola - Anna                         
04. Tony Mottola - Arrivederci Roma             
05. Tony Mottola - Sorrento                     
06. Tony Mottola - Violetta                     
07. Tony Mottola - Volare                       
08. Tony Mottola - Italian Serenade             
09. Tony Mottola - Neapolitan Tarantella        
10. Tony Mottola - Non Dimenticar               
11. Tony Mottola - Woodpecker Song              
12. Tony Mottola - Na Voce 

Tony Mottola (April 18, 1918 – August 9, 2004) was an American guitarist who released dozens of solo albums. Mottola was born in Kearny, New Jersey, and died in Denville, New Jersey.[1]

Like many of his contemporaries he started out learning to play the banjo and then took up the guitar. He had his first guitar lessons from his father and by the late 1930s he was playing in George Hall's orchestra in a rhythm section that included Johnnie Guarnieri and Nick Fatool.
Mottola was one of the most sought after and respected studio musicians in the recording and music industry. He worked extensively with Frank Sinatra and Perry Como, and orchestrated albums for Burl Ives. He appeared on the DuMont Television Network program Melody Street.
Mottola also played with Doc Severinsen's Orchestra on The Tonight Show and composed music for the films Running on Empty and Violated (1953) as well as the 1950s television series Danger, which starred Yul Brynner.
Mottola is interred in Gate of Heaven Cemetery in East Hanover, New Jersey.
Several of his songs were heavily sampled by The Avalanches for their album Since I Left You.
Mottola's only charted single under his own name was "This Guy's In Love With You" which reached #22 on Billboard's "Easy Listening Top 40" in the summer of 1968.

"Mr Big," a mainstay of countless Command and Time recordings, and one of the most prolific and respected studio musicians of the post-World War Two era.

Ironically, Mottola only started learning to play the guitar by accident. He'd originally wanted to play the saxophone, but when he was told he was too young to take the bus by himself to the teacher's house in Newark, his father offered to teach him guitar at home instead.
He played guitar through high school, where he met a number of classmates with whom he would work professionally as a musician. He and Al Caiola became friends and played in a group modelled on Django Reinhardt and Stephane Grappelli's Hot Club Quintet. Mottola and Al Viola also played together as teens on Jersey City radio station WAAT, where he also first became acquainted with a young singer named Frank Sinatra. When his friend George Paxton got a job with George Hall's orchestra, he convinced Hall to hire Mottola, and together they played with a group of young talents that included Johnnie Guarneri on piano and Nick Fatool on drums. Mottola's first recorded performance was with Hall, backing singer Dolly Dawn on the single, "Shine."

In 1941, Mottola, who never cared much for touring, auditioned for and was hired into the CBS radio studio orchestra in New York. There he worked with Raymond Scott and performed again with Frank Sinatra, until Sinatra left and was replaced by Perry Como. Mottola continued to work closely with Como, becoming his arranger when Como got his own TV variety show in the 1950s.
Back in the late 1940s, when networks were desparate for material, he even hosted his own fifteen-minute show, a musical variety spot called "Face the Music." He also performed in the studio bands for the "Sid Caesar Comedy Hour" and "Sing Along with Mitch." Skitch Henderson hired him as one of the original members of the band for the "Tonight Show," and he remained with the show until the late 1960s.
One of his most notable accomplishments was the score for the early CBS suspense anthology series, "Danger." Director Yul Brynner (soon to switch roles and make his big splash as the lead in "The King and I") invited Mottola to devise an original score for the show. Brynner was impressed by the effectiveness of Anton Karas' zither score for The Third Man and wanted Mottola to come up with something similar.
The theme Mottola came up with was simple but effective: a single repeated note, interrupted by a dramatic chord when a dagger struck a fence on camera. According to John Burlingame's account in his book, TV's Biggest Hits, "Musicians began referring to it as 'the "Danger" chord,' or 'the Tony Mottola chord.'"

Brynner, and his successor, Sidney Lumet, liked the music so much he insisted Mottola write and perform an original score for each episode. Even for a pro like Mottola, it was quite a challenge. He had, on average, less than three days to go from watching a run-through rehearsal to being ready to perform live behind camera. Sitting in a booth next to the control room, he watched the action on a monitor while wearing a special headset with the dialogue in one ear and the director's cues in the other. Since his hands were busy playing, he had to memorize his parts beforehand.
On one episode, in 1953, he even appeared on screen, playing the part of a bandleader, sprinting back to the booth between his scenes. Interest in Mottola's music led his old friend, George Paxton, to entice him to write a folio of pieces from the show for guitar, and MGM's record division even hired him to record the theme and a half-dozen other numbers for a 10-inch LP. The album earned Mottola a spot in the record books as the first original soundtrack album from a television show. Mottola later reprised the theme on his earliest album for Enoch Light's Command label.
Light had known Mottola from the New York studio scene, and he had been particularly impressed by a distinctive album Mottola and Caiola recorded with Johnny Mathis, titled, Open Fire, Warm Guitars. The soft and subtle sound of Mathis singing with only the two guitarists as back-up stood out from the lush orchestral settings common for singers at the time, and Light wanted to reproduce and improve upon it using his superb recording techniques.
The two men quickly established a close professional and personal relationship. Even though most of the music Light released on his Command label was brassy, percussive, and showy, he had a tremendous respect for Mottola's more delicate guitar work. As fellow guitarist Bucky Pizzarelli put it, "His sound was very warm, tender and expressive. He never hit a bad note in his life." Many of Mottola's albums on Command and Light's successor label, Project 3, feature him on acoustic guitar with just a spare rhythm section as back-up.

Mottola went on to record over 30 albums on Command and Project 3, more than even the prolific Dick Hyman. Before Light died in 1978, he asked specifically to have Mottola perform at his memorial service. Mottola chose a medley of the Lennon-McCartney song, "Yesterday," and "Yesterdays," the Jerome Kern tune, that he had recorded for Light on the Project 3 album, Superstar Guitar.
Even though Sinatra long used Al Viola as his guitarist in his touring bands, he never lost his admiration for Mottola's work, and when Viola retired from touring in 1980, Mottola was his first pick. Mottola and his wife Mitzi traveled with Sinatra, who gave Mottola a solo spot in each show and often sang alongside him as a duo. "In my humble view," said longtime Sinatra associate Vince Falcone, "Tony was the quintessential guitar player for Sinatra." He backed Sinatra solo on the beautiful song, "It's Sunday" for a rare 1983 single on Warner Brothers. The same year, he recorded his last album for the Project 3 label, a Sinatra tribute titled, All the Way that featured long-time colleagues Dick Hyman, Irv Cottler, Pizzarelli, and Urbie Green. He performed with Sinatra at Carnegie Hall in 1988 and then, for the last time together, at the White House for President Reagan.
Even after retiring completely, he continued to play the guitar almost every day. "He felt music kept his mind sharp," said his son, Tony (Jr.). He died from complications due to a stroke and double pneumonia.