2013. december 6., péntek

Ted Weems and His Orchestra ( personal sorting ) Digital restored, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio 2013 .

Ted Weems

Ted Weems - A Close Friend
Ted Weems - Am I A Passing Fancy - Vocal refrain by Parker Gibbs 1929 06 25
Ted Weems - Baby Doll
Ted Weems - Brazil
Ted Weems - Chick, Chick, Chick, Chick, Chicken (Lay A Little Egg For Me) 1926 09 13
Ted Weems - Cobble-Stones - 1927 11 25
Ted Weems - Collegiate Love 1929
Ted Weems - Come On, Baby! - 1928 09 21
Ted Weems - Did You Ever Hear Pichollo Pete
Ted Weems - From Saturday Night Till Monday Morning - 1927 09 20
Ted Weems - I Don't Want Your Kisses (If I Can't Have Your Love) - 1929 06 21
Ted Weems - Marvelous Vocal refrain by Dusty Roades and Parker Gibbs  1927 08 24
Ted Weems - My Cutey's Due At Two-To-Two Today 1926 09 20
Ted Weems - My Troubles Are Over 1928 12 07
Ted Weems - Oh ! If I Only Had You - 1926 0719
Ted Weems - Oh Monah 194112 09
Ted Weems - She'll Never Find a Fellow Like Me 1927 08 24
Ted Weems - That's My Weakness Now
Ted Weems - Washing Dishes With My Sweetie (1930)
Ted Weems - You're The Cream In My Coffee - 1928 10 19
Ted Weems Orch - Happy Days Are Here Again 1930
W Bonus Track - Mocsanyi - Lakos duo and His  Harlem Melody Band - Oh Monah 1928


Ted Weems was a popular mid-western bandleader who started his band in 1923 while attending the University of Pennsylvania. Around 1925 he moved his band to Chicago where he played in hotels and ballrooms around the city while also touring the mid-west. In 1932 The Weems Orchestra started appearing regularly on a sponsored nationwide radio program with Jack Benny. It was through radio that Weems made a name for himself and he continued to be associated with popular radio programs throughout the 1930s and 1940s such as The Fibber McGee and Molly Show and Beat The Band. In 1936 vocalist Perry Como joined the band. In 1942 the Weems Orchestra disbanded when Ted joined the Merchant Marines. After World War II, Weems put together another band which continued until the early 1950s. 

source Red Hot Jazz.com

2013. december 4., szerda

RE UPLOAD....Buddy Tate - Joe Johns - Milt Buckner - Midnight Slow LP 1974 Digital Restored Noise cleaning, at Audio Design Studio



** Buddy Tate - Joe Johns - Milt Buckner - 01 - These Foolish Things
** Buddy Tate - Joe Johns - Milt Buckner - 02 - That's All
Buddy Tate - Joe Johns - Milt Buckner - 03 - Midnight Sun
** Buddy Tate - Joe Johns - Milt Buckner - 04 - Polka Dots And Moonbeans
** Buddy Tate - Joe Johns - Milt Buckner - 05 - Wellow Weep For Mee
** Buddy Tate - Joe Johns - Milt Buckner - 06 - I Should Care
Buddy Tate - Joe Johns - Milt Buckner - 07 - My Ideal
** Buddy Tate - Joe Johns - Milt Buckner - 08 - Autumn In N.Y.
** Buddy Tate - Joe Johns - Milt Buckner - 09 - But Beautiful
** Buddy Tate - Joe Johns - Milt Buckner - 10 - Tell Me About Him
Buddy Tate - Joe Johns - Milt Buckner - 11 - You ve Changed
** Buddy Tate - Joe Johns - Milt Buckner - 12 - Memories Of You
Buddy Tate - Joe Johns - Milt Buckner - 13 - She's Funny That Way
Buddy Tate - Joe Johns - Milt Buckner - 14 - Day By Day
Buddy Tate - Joe Johns - Milt Buckner - 15 - East Of The Sun
Buddy Tate - Joe Johns - Milt Buckner - 16 - Flamingo

** - a csillaggal jelzett felvételek találhatók az eredeti LP kiadáson!
A 60-as évek végén és a 70-es évek elején számos hasonló trio látott napvilágot, mint a most látható lemezen szereplő három igen ismert muzsikusból álló formáció. Ebben az időben ez minha divattá vált volna, de végül csendben a feledés homályába merültek ezek a zenekarok. A Midnight Slow című albumot, a Blue Note kiadó segítette a napvilágra 1970-ben.

2013. december 2., hétfő

RE UPLOAD_Radics Béla - a Kapitány - ( Archív ) 1972 - 77 . Digital transfer, restored, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio 2003

Download Bonus track Zöld Csillag



Kedves Hallgató!

A lemezen hallható felvételek sajnos nem súrolják a " Hi-Fi minőség " felső határát - azonban figyelembe véve azt, hogy akkoriban csupán amatőr, kalóz felvételek léteztek, igy hát ma is csak ezekből dolgozhattunk. Ell kell fogadnunk azt a tényt, hogy a régi érzések és emlékek felidézése mellett kell ezeket a felvételeket meghallgatni és értéküket elismerni.
Ahhoz , hogy ilyen minőségben sikerült mindenki számára hozzáférhetővé tenni ezt a lemezt, nagyon sok gyűjtő és közel egy éves hangrestaurálási munka , egy nagy adag megszállottság, és rengeteg próbálkozás kellett. A nem létező minőségből, így sikerült az emberi fül számára hallgatható minőséget varázsolni.
Sokan mondták, hogy szép dolog amire vállalkoztam, de rosszallóan ingatták a fejüket - ebből úgy sem lehet semmit sem csinálni. Volt aki 'zenekritikusnak mondta magát és kijelentette, hogy egy össze eszkábált, össze hegesztett termék az egész'. Nem baj, mindenkinek nem tetszhet minden, ami viszont elégedettséget ad mégis, egy kis kárörömmel, hogy neki sem sikerült jobbat be szerezni a nem létezőből! Nem bántam meg a sok munkát, és fáradságot, amit erre a kiadványra áldoztam, mert valójában a végén nem a minőség lett a legfontosabb, hanem az emlékek megőrzése és az, hogy egy nagyszerű gitáros emléke nem merül a feledés homályába!
Ez a lemez igazából egy kortörténeti érték, mivel e korszak blues-rockzenei bombája volt Radics Béla a maga különcségével, és sajátos világával együtt.
Remélem, senkinek nem okozunk majd csalódást, és talán olyan örömmel fogja mindenki hallgatni, mint amilyen lekesedéssel készítettem el ezt a hanganyagot!

Berkes László - hangrestaurátor és zenei rendező
Grafikai munkák - ADR Team

2013. november 18., hétfő

Fausto Papetti - I Remember No 1 LP 1967 Didital restored, Noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio 2013.


01 - Fausto Papetti - Temptation
02 - Fausto Papetti - Tabu
03 - Fausto Papetti - Amado Mio
04 - Fausto Papetti - Indian love call
05 - Fausto Papetti - September in the rain
06 - Fausto Papetti - Stardust
07 - Fausto Papetti - Together
08 - Fausto Papetti - Intermezzo
09 - Fausto Papetti - Memory Lane
10 - Fausto Papetti - Perfidia
11 - Fausto Papetti - Caravan
12 - Fausto Papetti - Flamingo
13 - Fausto Papetti - Jungle drums
14 - Fausto Papetti - Pagan love song

2013. október 19., szombat

Patti Page - In The Land Of Hi-Fi LP Digital noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio 2013th.

Download DATA

01 - Nevertheless
02 - Out Of Nowhere
03 - The Lady Is A Tramp
04 - The Thrill Is Gone
05 - A Foggy Day
06 - Mountain Greenery
07 - I've Got My Eyes On You
08 - My Kind Of Love
09 - I Didn't Know About You
10 - My Sin
11 - Taking A Chance On Love
12 - Love For Sale

2013. október 12., szombat

Magyar Táncdal - Egyveleg 25 cm LP ( 1953 Supraphon records ) - Digital transfer, restored, and mixed at Audio Design Studio 2013th.

Download DATA

01 - Ne hagyd el soha
02 - Marina
03 - Altatodal
04 - Akacfalevel
05 - Insert
06 - A vegen mindent maskepp
07 - Talalkozunk holnap
08 - Minden asszony eleteben
09 - Kislány mi van a puttonyban
10 - Insert
11 - Aprilisi trefa volt
12 - Setahajo
13 - Insert
14 - Pitypalatty

Berczeller J. és tánczenekara (1, 2)
A bratislavai rádió tánczenekara
Vezényel. Polansky P. (3,4)

Énekel Csík János
MÓZI J. és tánczenekara

( P ) 1953 Supraphon

2013. október 5., szombat

Jaye P. Morgan Lp 1955 Digital noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio 2013th.

Download DATA

01 - You're Driving Me Crazy
02 - Let There Be Love
03 - My Heart Belongs To Daddy
04 - Will You Still Be Mine
05 - It All Depends On You
06 - You're My Thrill
07 - Pagan Love Song
08 - Till We Meet Again
09 - You Turned The Tables On Me 
10 - I Fall In Love With You Every Day
11 - I Guess I'll Have To Change My Plan
12 - Can't We Be Friends

2013. október 3., csütörtök

RE UPLOAD Lionel Hampton and His Big Band - Hamp's Boogie Woogie


01 - Hamp's Boogie Woogie No. 1 - Lionel Hampton & His Big Band
02 - Beulah's Sister's Boogie - Lionel Hampton & His Big Band
03 - Midnight Sun - Lionel Hampton & His Big Band
04 - Hamp's Walking Boogie - Lionel Hampton & His Big Band
05 - Cobb's Idea - Lionel Hampton & His Big Band
06 - Red Top - Lionel Hampton & His Big Band
07 - Hey! Ba-Ba-Re-Bop - Lionel Hampton & His Big Band
08 - Flying Home No. 1 - Lionel Hampton & His Big Band
09 - Hamp's Boogie Woogie No. 2 - Lionel Hampton & His Big Band
10 - Air Mail Special (Parts I & II) - Lionel Hampton & His Big Band
11 - Slide Hamp Slide - Lionel Hampton & His Big Band
12 - Rockin' In Rhythm (Parts I & II) - Lionel Hampton & His Big Band
13 - Flying Home No. 2 - Lionel Hampton & His Big Band
14 - Lose Wig - Lionel Hampton & His Big Band
15 - In The Bag - Lionel Hampton & His Big Band
16 - Adam Blew His Hat - Lionel Hampton & His Big Band
17 - Tempo's Birthday - Lionel Hampton & His Big Band
18 - Playboy - Lionel Hampton & His Big Band

Kathy Barr - Follow Me 1957 LP Digital Noise cleaning and mixed,at Audio Design Studio 2013th.


Kathy Barr - Follow Me


01 - Tip-Toe Through The Tulips
02 -  My Heart Belongs To Daddy
03 - Cuddle Up A Little Closer
04 - How Long Has This Been Going On
05 - I'm Just Wild About Harry
06 - Give Me Something To Remember You By
07 - Bye Bye Blackbird
08 - Love Is Here To Stay
09 - Day In, Day Out    
10 - Fine And Dandy
11 - I Know He's Mine
12 - Follow Me

2013. október 2., szerda

Julie London - Latin In A Satin Mood_LP 1963 Digital noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio 2013th.

Download DATA

01 - Frenesi
02 - Be Mine Tonight
03 - Yours
04 - Besame Mucho
05 - Adios
06 - Sway
07 - Perfidia
08 - Come Closer To Me
09 - Amor
10 - Magic Is The Moonlight
11 - You Belong To My Heart
12 - Vaya Con Dios

2013. augusztus 25., vasárnap

Howard Roberts Quartet - Whatever's Fair LP 1966. Digital restored,noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio 2013th.

01 - The shadow of your smile
02 - Sweet september
03 - Pussy cat
04 - Whatever's fair!
05 - This is the life
06 - On a clear day (you can see forever)
07 - I'll only miss her when i think of her
08 - Manha de carnaval
09 - Michele
10 - A taste of honey
11 - Bye bye blues


Howard Roberts (guitar)
Henry Cain (organ)
Bill Pittman (guitar)
Chuck Berghofer (bass)
Earl Palmer (drums)
Jill Roberts (percussion)
Larry Bunker (drums)

We're still in the wild '60s when Howard Roberts was on a roll producing some very fine pop-oriented guitar jazz as was the fad these days, a fact easily witnessed by these two magnificent Capitol LPs on one CD. Forget rock 'n roll for a moment, this is expertly crafted Daiquiris-by-the-pool music by the top session men
( all that jazz )

2013. augusztus 16., péntek

Anoranza LP Digital transfer, restored, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio 2013th.






2013. augusztus 5., hétfő

Billy Vaughn - The Music of the 1960 LP1 - LP2 Digital transfer, restored, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio 2013th.



01 - Love Is Blue
     Written By:  Andre Popp*, Bryan Blackburn, Pierre Cour
02 - Let It Be Me
     Written By:  Gilbert Becaud*, Mann Curtis, Pierre Delanoe*
03 - Gentle On My Mind
     Written By:  John Hartford
04 - The Look Of Love
     Written By:  Bacharach And David
05 - This Guy's In Love With You
     Written By:  Bacharach And David

06 - Danke Schoen
     Written By:  Bert Kaempfert, Schwabach*, Gabler*
07 - Everybody's Talkin'
     Written By:  Fred Neil
08 - I Left My Heart In San Francisco
     Written By:  Douglass Cross, George Cory
09 - People
     Written By:  Bob Merrill, Julie Styne*
10 - A Taste Of Honey
     Written By:  Bobby Scott, Ric Marlow

01 - The Girl From Ipanema
     Written By:  Jobim*, Gimble*, DeMoraes*
02 - Michelle
     Written By:  Lennon-McCartney
03 - Alfie
     Written By:  Bacharach And David
04 - The Shadow Of Your Smile
     Written By:  Johnny Mandel, Paul Francis Webster
05 - Strangers In The Night
     Written By:  Bert Kaempfert, Charles Singleton, Eddie Snyder

06 - Sweet Caroline
     Written By:  Neil Diamond
07 - Somewhere, My Love (Lara's Theme From Dr. Zhivago)
     Written By:  Maurice Jarre, Paul Francis Webster
08 - Little Green Apples
     Written By:  Bobby Russell
09 - Exodus
     Written By:  Ernest Gold
10 - Moon River
     Written By:  Henry Mancini, Johnny Mercer

RE UPLOAD!! Ben Selvin and His Orchestra - Happy Days Are Here Again 1925 - 1931 Digital transfer, restored, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio 2012


Personal Sorting

01 - Happy Days Are Here Again 1930
02 - The One Man Band 1931
03 - Little Mary Brown 1931
04 - In My Bouquet of Memories 1928
05 - My Man From Caroline 1930
06 - Learn to Croon 1931
07 - Aint She Sweet 1930
08 - Do the New York 1931
09 - Baby Face 1930
10 - Bend Down, Sister 1931
11 - You Said It 1931
12 - Sing Another Chorus, Please 1931
13 - This Is The Missus 1931
14 - Smile, Darn Ya, Smile 1931
15 - Steppin' in Society 1925
16 - Nobody Loves My Baby Like My Baby Love 1927
17 - I'm Crazy 'Bout My Baby 1931
18 - Potatoes Are Cheaper Now's the Time To 1929

Ben Selvin (March 5, 1898 - July 15, 1980), son of Russian-immigrant Jewish parents, was a musician, bandleader, record producer and innovator in recorded music. He was known as The Dean of Recorded Music.
Selvin started his professional life at age 15 as a fiddle player in New York City night clubs. A "husky" lad, he looked older than he was and as such was permitted into such establishments.
A mere six years later, as leader of his own dance band, the "Novelty Orchestra," Selvin released the biggest-selling popular song in the first quarter-century of recorded music. That single, "Dardanella", eventually went on to sell more than 5 million copies and an additional 2 million pieces of sheet music.
According to The Guinness Book of World Records, Selvin recorded more musical sides (on 78-rpm discs) than any other person. One reason for this prolific output is that he recorded for dozens of different labels during this high-growth time in the industry, using a different name (or slightly different name) for each label.
Selvin's output has been estimated at 13,000 to 20,000 song titles.
More information about Ben Selvin can be found at : http://www.redhotjazz.com/selvin.html

Ben Selvin data

  • During the Columbia era, he recorded under many different names including "The Broadway Nightlites", "The Knickerbockers", "The Columbians", "The Cavaliers", "Barney Trimble and his Oklahomans", "Perley Stevens and his Orchestra", "Jerry Mason and his Californians", "The Harmonians", "Rudy Marlow and his Orchestra", "Columbia Photo Players", "Frank Auburn and his Orchestra", "Kolster Dance Orchestra", "Lloyd Keating and his Music", "Earl Marlow and his Orchestra", "Ed Loyd and his Orchestra", Ray Seeley and his Orchestra", "Sam Nash and his Orchestra", "Mickie Alpert and his Orchestra", :Johnny Walker and his Orchestra", Chester Leighton and his Sophmores", "Wally Edwards and his Orchestra", "Roy Carroll and his Sands Point Orchestra", "Buddy Campbell and his Orchestra", "Golden Terrace Orchestra", "Ted Raph and his Orchestra", "Georgia Moonlight Serenaders", "Cloverdale Country Club Orchestra", and "Ed Parker and his Orchestra".
  • Had an instrumental part in the development of Muzak in the mid-1930s.
  • Was an A&R Director at RCA Victor in charge of the company's popular Camden Label and
  • served as the Musical Director for a recording in 1954 by John Serry, Sr..
Originally a violinist, Ben Selvin probably made more records than any other bandleader of the 78 rpm era, his career in the record industry spanning decades. He may be best known among record collectors not for specific recordings but for quantity. Articles on page 145 of the January 1924 issue of Talking Machine World and page 86 of the January 1924 issue of Metronome celebrated Selvin's 1,000th record--this was early in Selvin's career. The articles, evidently based on the same press release prepared by Selvin himself, state that the musician was "twenty-five years of age." Page 67 of the February 1925 issue of Metronome states that Selvin "recently made his 1200th phonograph record." He remained important in the record industry for decades, even becoming a vice president of Columbia during the heyday of Frank Sinatra, Dinah Shore, Doris Day and Buddy Clark. Later he was an A & R man for RCA, overseeing the popular RCA Camden series of reissued material until forced to retire at age 65.
He was born around 1898 to Russian immigrants. His father, Max, was a tailor. Page 34d of the September 1927 issue of Talking Machine World gives this background information: "Ben Selvin, a native of New York, started fiddling at the age of seven. He made his first public appearance at the Star Casino at the age of nine. Acclaimed a prodigy, and presented with a gold medal in recognition of his genius, it was planned to send him to Paris for further study. Reverses prevented, but Ben was determined to succeed, so he kept on working in and around New York. In 1913 Mr. Selvin made his first appearance on Broadway. From there he went to Rector's, then to Reisenweber's and Healy's. When nineteen years old, Ben Selvin organized his own orchestra and played at the Moulin Rouge for Broadway's record orchestral run--a run of seven years." Page 86 of the January 1924 issue of Metronome states, "In 1922 he was assigned to the newly created Broadway, which, with an augmented orchestra, he took by storm. Soon his popular aggregation was transferred to the 'Pavilion Royal,' where more admirers were won."
Victor's November 1919 supplement credits Benjamin B. Selvin for arranging the two numbers on Victor 18614 performed by Selvin's Novelty Orchestra, "Mandy" and "Novelty One-Step." Soon afterwards came his best-selling record, "Dardanella," with lyrics by Fred Fisher, music by Johnny Black and Felix Bernard. This was cut by Selvin's Novelty Orchestra for Victor 18633 on November 20, 1919, and issued in February 1920.
The June 1921 issue of Talking Machine World announced that Selvin's Novelty Orchestra, engaged at the time at the Moulin Rouge in New York City, "signed up exclusively for the making of Vocalion records." (Curiously, Brunswick and other companies continued to issue discs of Selvin's Orchestra.) The September 1922 issue of the trade journal announced that Selvin would continue to be exclusive to the Vocalion label, and page 143 of the September 1923 issue of Talking Machine World announced that Selvin again signed to be an exclusive Vocalion artist, adding, "Although only twenty- eight years old he not only directs the Selvin Orchestra at the Moulin Rouge, New York, but he directs and manages the Bar Harbor Society Orchestra and the Broadway Syncopators, both exclusively Vocalion combinations....It is said, besides furnishing six records or twelve selections a month for the Vocalion list, his orchestra also accompanies most of the Vocalion artists in their recordings of popular songs....[H]e keeps three arrangers busy preparing effective and novel orchestrations."
He worked often in radio by 1924. Page 57 of the June 1924 issue of Dominant Orchestra Monthly states, "Few radio orchestras have so completely captivated 'listeners-in' as has Ben Selvin's Moulin Rouge Orchestra, Vocalion record artists who broadcast every Monday night over Station WJZ." Page 54 of the November 1924 issue of Talking Machine World describes WJZ programs sponsored by the Aeolian Company in New York City: "The program on Monday was opened by several irresistible dance numbers by Ben Selvin's Woodmansten Inn Orchestra, Vocalion record artists..."
His status as an exclusive Vocalion artist ended on September 1, 1924. He began recording for Columbia, Paramount and the Plaza Music Company, which issued records on Banner and related labels. In 1926 and 1927 he also worked for Brunswick--he had last recorded for the company in 1922 before signing as an exclusive Vocalion artist. He continued to record for Vocalion, which became a Brunswick subsidiary in January 1925.
Page 70 of the February 1925 issue of Metronome announced that "The Famous Phonograph Orchestras Bureau has been organized with headquarters in the Publicity Building, 1576 Broadway, New York City. Associated in this enterprise are Charles Dornberger, Ben Selvin and George D. Lottman. Bookings are made for several of the orchestras that record for the phonograph companies, and a very satisfactory business is reported."
Now with even closer business ties to phonograph companies, he vigorously attacked the new medium of radio, doing it in a way to make phonograph recordings seem a perfect product. Page 67 of the February 1925 issue of Metronome quotes a press release issued by Selvin: "Radio in its present stage is a menace to the artist who broadcasts; its publicity value dwindles into insignificance when compared to the harm that it does. I have decided to cancel all future broadcasting dates because I find that radio goes a long way toward impairing one's reputation. The tonal balance perfected in the phonograph recording studios is utterly lacking in radio reproduction; some instrument always stands out as a rule over the air, to the complete exclusion of all the rest. I have investigated this condition intensively, but no amount of position- moving or special orchestrating seems to remedy it. The banjo, particularly, will often muffle the dulcet and sweet tones of the saxophone, and other instruments prove similarly offensive. Then, there is a harmful tendency on the part of many musicians, particularly amateurs, to 'hog' the air in their over-anxiety. This, combined with the very poor balance achieved by the broadcasting orchestra, makes radio music a really hideous thing. Until these evils are remedied, I, for one, am going to let the radio alone."
He soon performed on radio again, presumably lured to the medium by a sufficiently lucrative contract. Page 60 of the March 1925 issue of Metronome states, "Ben Selvin has added three men to his Woodmansten [Inn] orchestra and will have nine musicians on the job for the coming season. Selvin is now broadcasting through station WFBH and is doing his own announcing." That all of radio's "evils" listed a month earlier by Selvin had been remedied so quickly is unlikely.
By the end of 1927 he was closely associated with Columbia. Page 34d of the September 1927 issue of Talking Machine World states, "Ben Selvin, besides being known as one of the greatest of American orchestral leaders, has accepted the post of Program Director of the Columbia Phonograph Hour, sponsored by the Columbia Phonograph Co., to be presented every Wednesday evening over the entire chain of the Columbia Broadcasting System, starting September 28." The Columbia Broadcasting System, a broadcasting chain controlled by the Columbia Phonograph Company, had been formed only months earlier.
Page 128 of the November 1927 issue states, "The Columbia Phonograph Co. announces that it has secured a three-year contract with Ben Selvin and His Orchestra, by which this celebrated dance orchestra and its leader will record exclusively for Columbia. The first release under the new contract is a coupling of 'Playground in the Sky' and 'Wherever You Are,' both...from the new musical comedy success, 'Sidewalks of New York.' Ben Selvin has the distinction of recording the famous phonograph record of 'Dardanella' back in 1919, the record which sold more copies than any other up to the recent phenomenal success of Columbia's 'Two Black Crows' records. Another early great hit of Mr. Selvin's was 'Three O'Clock in the Morning.' Ben Selvin has recorded more than 3,000 selections for various phonograph companies in the past."
This article's claim that "Dardanella" was the industry's best-seller prior to 1927 is probably not true though the disc was genuinely popular.
A few records among his thousands are "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles" (Victor 18603, 1919), "Yes! We Have No Bananas" (vocal by Irving Kaufman, Vocalion 14590, 1923), "Oh, How I Miss You Tonight" (Columbia 359-D, 1925), "Manhattan" (Columbia 422, 1925), "Blue Skies" (Columbia 860-D, 1927), "Happy Days Are Here Again" (Columbia 2116-D, 1930), and "When It's Springtime in the Rockies" (Columbia 2206-D, 1930). In the early 1930s he led orchestras on radio. For example, during the winter of 1933-34 he directed The Taystee Breadwinners over New York City's WOR on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:15 p.m. on a show sponsored by the Taystee Bread Company and starring Billy Jones and Ernest Hare, who were called "The Taystee Loafers."
Joseph Lanza reports on page 46 in Elevator Music (St. Martin's Press, 1994), "Selvin was Muzak's chief programmer in its early years; he supervised its first New York City transmission in 1936 and had helped the company devise its first standardized programming."
George T. Simon writes in The Big Bands (New York: Schirmer Books, 1981) about Selvin's connection with James Caesar Petrillo, president of the American Federation of Musicians, who was worried about musicians being put out of work by radio broadcasts as well as jukeboxes reproducing music from records: "...[P]erturbed by the possible adverse effects of recording on his membership, he hired Ben Selvin, a highly respected recording executive and orchestra leader, to conduct a thorough study of the entire recording field as it affected musicians. Selvin's report was exhaustive. Presented at the annual convention of the musicians' union, it received a standing ovation from the delegates..."
Selvin argued against a ban on recording, pointing to other ways to address the problem of large numbers of musicians being unemployed, but Petrillo ordered that a ban go into effect on August 1, 1942. The ban was arguably a disaster for working musicians--for example, it contributed to the decline of big bands or the "swing" era--but in the end the major record companies did agree to pay the union a royalty for released records.
Around 1947 Selvin worked for Majestic Records as chief of artists and repertory. Late in life he worked for RCA, overseeing the popular RCA Camden reissue series. In the early 1960s, he was forced to retire from RCA at age 65. He became a consultant for 3M (Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing), a company that transferred recordings to audiotape. He recommended records to be transferred to the new tape medium. In the mid-1970s he was reunited with former Brunswick recording director Walter Haenschen ("Carl Fenton") for a taped interview at Lincoln Center. The unpublished interview is part of the Haenschen collection at Ithaca College in upstate New York.
He married three times. His first wife, Alice, bore him a son, Robert, in 1924 (he died in 1999). In 1944 he married Gloria, and they had two children, Rick (1944) and Rene (1950). Following Gloria's death in the 1970s, he married a woman named Dorothy. He died July 15, 1980, while recuperating from a heart attack.

2013. július 7., vasárnap

RE UPLOAD!!! / Jack Hylton & His Orchestra - Painting The Clouds With Sunshine


01 - Life Begins At Oxford Circus
02 - Drop In The Next Time You're Passing
03 - Change Partners
04 - Music, Maestro Please
05 - If The Moon Turns Green
06 - Painting The Clouds With Sunshine
06 - Blue Skies Are Around The Corner
07 - Good Morning
08 - September In The Rain
09 - The Melody Maker
10 - Swing Is In The Air
11 - Why Doesn't Somebody Tell Me These Things?
12 - Medley (Anything Goes,You're The Top,The Gypsy In Me)
13 - Have You Met Miss Jones?
14 - Lovely Liza Lee
15 - She Shall Have Music
16 - Do The Runaround
17 - Unbelievable
18 - One, Two, Button Your Shoe
19 - Hypnotised
20 - Give A Little Whistle
21 - Get Out Of Town

RE UPLOAD!! / Jack Hylton - Happy Days Are Here Again - Digital noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio Home Sound Recording Studio 2009.


2013 07 12
Elnézést mindenkitől aki letöltötte ezt az albumot.
Az előző feltöltés egy rossz változat volt.

Ez a jó verzió!!!!
Sorry to everyone who has downloaded this album.
The previous upload had a bad version.

This is a good version!!

01 - I'm Looking Over A Four Leaf Clover
02 - Passen Sie Mal Auf
03 - Is She My Girl-Friend
04 - O Mädchen, Mein Mädchen
05 - Happy Days Are Here Again
06 - Tiger Rag
07 - Sweet Jennie Lee
08 - Wenn Ich Einmal Traurig Bin
09 - The Glow-Worm
10 - Footloose And Fancy Free
11 - Organ Grinder's Swing
12 - Music, Maestro, Please

2013. június 29., szombat

Mantovani - Continental Encores (1959) Digital transfer and restored, noise cleaning, at Audio Design Studio 2013th

Download DATA

Mantovani - Continental Encores (1959)

01 - For The First Time
02 - La Vie En Rose
03 - Under Paris Skies
04 - O Mein Papa
05 - April in Portugal
06 - Arrivederci Roma
07 - Anema E Core
08 - Beyond The Sea
09 - I Only Know I Love You
10 - Autumn Leaves
11 - Answer Me (s)
12 - Poppa Piccolino

2013. június 26., szerda

Ray Anthony And His Orchestra In The Miller Mood




So Rare
Twilight Time
Up A Lazy River
To Each His Own
Moon River
Blue Velvet
Through The Eyes Of Love
Somewhere Out There
Day By Day
Columbia The Gem Of The Ocean
Sunset Serenade


The Music Of The Night
When I Fall In Love
Cook's Tour
My Foolish Heart
The Wind Beneath My Wings
Mr Anthonys Swing
How Do You Keep The Music Playing
Drive In
Darn That Dream
Saddle Shoe Shuffle
Rollin Home

Living Strings - Twilight Time LP 1966 / Digital restored, noise cleaning, and mixd, at Audio Design Studio 2013th.


01 - Twilight time
02 - Moonglow & picnic
03 - Me and my shadow
04 - Vanessa
05 - In a persian market
06 - Cruising down the river
07 - My prayer
08 - On a clear day
09 - Medley (reverie & guess I'll hang my tears out to dry & land of dreams)
10 - Medley (moonlight sonata & clair de lune)

2013. június 20., csütörtök

Will Glahe & His Orchestra - Strictly Oompah - LP 1969 DECCA London / Digital restored, noise cleaning, and mixed, at Audio Design Studio 2013th.

Download DATA

01 - Will Glahe - Radetzky Marsch
02 - Will Glahe - Kuckkuckswalzer
03 - Will Glahe - Die Fischerin Vom Bodensee
04 - Will Glahe - Wiener Praterleben
05 - Will Glahe - Hock Und Deutschmeister
06 - Will Glahe - Auf De Schwäb'sche Eisebahne
07 - Will Glahe - Ich Hab' Mein Herz In Heidelberg Verloren
08 - Will Glahe - Wien Bleibt Wien
09 - Will Glahe - Die Dorfmusik
10 - Will Glahe - Schützenliesel Polka
11 - Will Glahe - Du Kannst Nicht Treu Sein
12 - Will Glahe - Der Treue Husar

2013. június 11., kedd

Murári Lili 90. születésnapra ( REMASTERED ) - avagy a Magyar filmvilág felejthetetlen előadói. Eredeti 78 rpm lemezek, filmhangok ! Javított verzióban 2003 / 2013.

Muráti Lili 90. szulinapra........

2003-ban Magyarországra is meghívást kapott, mivel ekkor ünnepelte 90. születésnapját. Sajnos, szégyenszemre az ünnepség majdnem hatalmas kudarcba fulladt, mivel a rendező mint kiderült, egy szélhámos volt. Ezen  alkalomból kaptam megbízást arra, hogy készítsünk egy CD lemezt eme jeles alkalomra. A lemez el is készült mindenki részéről - restaurálás, nyomda, grafikusi munka stb. De a lemez sajnos a fenti okok miatt soha nem jelent meg. Az albumon olyan felvételek szerepelnek, amelyek az ő általa játszott filmek slagerei voltak. Ő igazából nem énekelt a filmjeiben, hanem mar akkor is un. playback technológiát alkalmaztak. A lemezen halható felvételek 78-as bakelitről és filmhangokból kerültek feldolgozásra. Bizony számos technikai trükkre is szükség volt ahhoz, hogy a felvételeket teljes egészében újra játszhatóvá lehessen tenni (pl: 03 - A tengerész szíve - Sebő Miklós) itt hiányzott a lemezből egy darabka - de hat a szerencse adta lehetőség miatt kilehetett pótolni a hiányzó darabot..... Sajnos, ami itt hallható az mind összesen csak ennyi, azokból a dalokból ami ma egyáltalán fellelhető a slagerei közül. A felvételek többsége, magán gyűjteményekből került elő. 

Végül úgy döntöttem, hogy közkincsé kell tennem ezt az anyagot.

Remélem sokaknak kellemes perceket okozhatok azzal, hogy ezeket a dalokat a népes hallgatóság részére közreadom.

Audio Design Stúdió

Muráti Lili - A 90. Születésnap
Sláger válogatások

01 - Az en babam - Orlay Chappy
02 - A ket szeme olyan szep - Szanto Gyula
03 - A tengeresz szive - Sebo Miklos
04 - Madonna - Szanto Gyula
05 - Nyaron a parom egy vadevezos - Sebo Miklos
06 - Kicsi lany a szerelem nem halalos - Sebo Miklos
07 - Varom magat - Weygand Tibor
08 - Szazhuszas tempo - Sebo miklos
09 - Miert szeretlek oly nagyon - Weygand Tibor
10 - Igen vagy nem - Kalmar Pal
11 - Miert dobog a sziv - Kazal Laszlo
12 - Az ejszaka - Murati Lili
13 - Az ejszaka - Racz Vali
14 - Cserelnek magaval - Racz Vali
15 - Halgass meg egyszer - Juhasz Gyula
16 - Ugy faj a sziv - Murati Lili
17 - Ugy faj a sziv - Kelly Anna
18 - Mond miert varsz - Andrija Koncz
19 - Ma meg azt hiszed - Murati Lili
20 - Ma meg azt hiszed - Kurz Karoly
21 - Csak egy nap a vilag - Varady Gyorgy
22 - A te szerelmed - Murati Lili
23 - A te szerelmed - Fenyes Kato jatszik a filmen
es Miklos Livia enekel

2013. június 6., csütörtök

RE UPLOAD ! Request Old Boys NO.1 - Rock And Roll Party LP Digital transfer, noise cleaning and RE mixed, at Audio Design Studio 2009/2013.


01 - When The Saints Go Marching In
02 - Percolator
03 - Bouna Sera Signorita
04 - Jambalaya
05 - You Never Can Tell
06 - Blueberry Hill
07 - Lucille
08 - Yakety Sax
09 - Hello Mary Lou
10 - Oh Carol
11 - Do You Love Me
12 - Only You
13 - Wanderer
14 - Rag Doll
15 - Orange Blossom Special
16 - San Antonio Rose

2013. május 30., csütörtök

Buday Dénes - Én ezzel a kis dallal üzenem - Digital transfer, restored, noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio 2013th.


01. Ezzel a kis dallal üzenem
(Szécsén Mihály)
SEBO MIKLOS - Hanem Zenekar

02. Száz csókos, forró valcer
(Mihály István)
Egy boldog pesti nyár c. operettbol
HONTHY HANNA - zenekari kísérettel

03. Vallomás (,‚Szeretlek, Ágnes. .
(Heinrich Heine - Endrodi Sándor)
SZEMERE LASZLÓ  -  Pátria zenekar

04. Minden kislány tizenhaton túl
(Füredy Imre)
A Szakítani nehéz c. filmbol
KELLY ANNA  -  Pátria zenekar

05. Ne álmodozz szívem tovább (Szász Miklós)
WEYGANG TIBOR  -  Vécsey zenekar

06. Pont Ilyen asszony
(Szécsén Mihály)
A Tábornokné c. zenés játékból
BORDY BELLA, PETHES FERENC Új Magyar Színház zenekara  -  vez.: Török Emil

07. Még sohase fájt a szívem
(Váraljai Gyula)
A Hazafelé c. filmbol
KALMÁR PÁL  -  Odeon zenekar

08. Akár nyár van, akár tél
(ifj. Békeffi István)
A Tizenhárom kislány mosolyog az égre c. fiimbol
KALMÁRPÁL - Odeonzenekar


09. Mily mesés dolog a Niagara
(I-Iarmath Imre)
SEBÓ MIKLOS  -  Domina zenekar

10. Vannak egészen furcsa dolgok
(Zerkovitz Béla)
KALMÁR PÁL  -  Dobbri zenekar

11. Orgonavirág
(Füredy Imre)
A Szakítani nehéz dolog c. filmból
KELLY ANNA  -  Pátria zenekar

12. Merci bien
(Szilágyi László)
A Csárdás c. operettbol
SEBÓ MIKLÓS -  Dominatánczenekar

13. Nem tudok hinni magának
(Szilágyi László)
A Csárdás c. operettbol
HONTHY HANNA  -  Komor Géza tánczenekar

14. Rámás csizmám térdig sáros
(Füredy Imre)
A Szakítani nehéz dolog c. filmbol
MAJOR IDA, KAZAL LASZLO  -  Pátria zenekar

15. Ha tudnád, mennyire szeretlek
(Somlyó Zoltán)
KARADY KATALIN  -  Pátria zenekar

16. Szép hely, jó hely Teherán
(Halász Rudolf, Kellér Dezso)
A Fityfiritty e. operettbol
FERENCZY LÁSZLÓ  -  Radiola zenekar

Buday Dénes

Budapest név szerint egységes város; a valóságban Buda és Pest sok mindenben nagyon különböznek egymástól. A század elso felében Pest sajátos hangvételét, utcaköltészetét legtalákbban Zerkovitz Béla szólaltatta meg, Buda várospoétája pedig Buday Dénes volt.
Budán született, 1890. október 8-án, s itt volt otthona, amelyet a háború pusztított el. rzéseiben, gondolataiban, sajátos muvészetében azonban haláláig budai maradt, azután is, hogy már nem lakott ott. A muzsika már gyermekkorában vonzotta. Tizennégy évesen daljátékot állít össze iskolai ünnepségre. A Zeneakadémián Hubay Jeno és Koessler János tanítványa. Szakmai ismereteit Bécsben szélesíti, ahol 1919-ben eloadják Loreley címu egyfelvonásos vígoperáját. 1916-ban a Budai Színkörben bemutatják elso operettjét (Fogadjunk). Ekkor már a pesti Apollo Kabarénak is házi zeneszerzoje, majd késobb zenei vezetoje.
A 20—30-as években Bécsben és Berlinben dolgozik, ahol keresett mint filmzene-komponista. Dalait világsztárok éneklik: Zarah Leander, Erna Sack, Jan Kiepura és mások. Budapesten szinte minden évben bemutatják egy-egy új operettjét: a Diákszerelem, Erdélyi diákok, Fityfiritty, Egy boldog pesti nyár — és még egy sor operett született, de mindenek fölött a Csárdás (1936) arat nagy és megérdemelt sikert. Dalait az egész ország énekli. 1937-tol hazai filmekhez is Ír muzsikát. Fiimzenéj nem önálló betétdalok sora, hanem szimfonikus jellegu, a képi világot zeneileg megfogalmazó, egyedi muvek.
letének utolsó két évtizedében muvészete sajátos módon elmélyül. Legszívesebben irodalmi sanzonokat komponál. Kedves költojének, Ady Endrének verseivel kapcsolatban már 1909-ben az volt a véleménye, hogy újfajta zenei megközelítést igényelnek. Korának számos kiváló költojével meleg, baráti kapcsolatban állt. De zenét írt Goethe, Heine, Rilke, Hugo, Kástner, Szimonov, Neruda s számos más külföldi költo verseihez is. Irodalmi sanzonjai a mufaj klasszikus darabjai. A nyugat költoinek megzenésített költeményeibol egy sorozatot a Petofi Irodalmi Múzeum Buday Dénes eloadásában, saját zongorakíséretével szalagra rögzített. 1963. október 19-én örökre elhallgatott, muvei azonban ma is élnek.

Szerkesztette: Nemes András Archív felvételek
Fotó Gát György
Grafika: Szoronik József
Mode in Hsegary ® 1983
A lemez sztereó és mono hangszedosel in lejátszható.

2013. május 29., szerda

Madaras Gábor - Nótáskedvű volt az apám LP 1963 ( Electrocord Romania ) Digital transfer, noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio 2013th.

 Eredeti LP Borító

 Download DATA

Madaras Gabor - 01 - Hiába sut A vilagra - Ugy szoknek az evek
Madaras Gabor - 02 - Notaskedvu volt az apam - Szeretem a kertet
Madaras Gabor - 03 - Edesanyam edesanyam - Az a szokas jarja
Madaras Gabor - 04 - Nyarad partjan - Ne abrandozz orgonarol

Madaras Gábor legszebb dalai   BÓNUSZ Album


Bónusz album

Madaras Gbor - Legszebb Dalaiból

Nem javított verzió!
01-Ha visszatekintek elszállt éveimre
02-Ahogy en szeretlek
03-Amikor fénylő két szemedbe
04-Asszony lesz a lányból
05-Az én jó apámnál
06-Az hol én elmegyek
07-Barackfa virága
08-Édes tündérmese
09-Édesanyám is volt nékem
10-Eltörött a hegedűm
11-Eresz alatt fecskefészek
12-Gyere Bodri kutyám
13-Gyere velem akáclombos
14-Nótaskedvű volt az apám
16-Száz szál piros rózsát
17-Valamikor fehér rózsa
18-Valamikor neked vittem
19-Valamikor ugy szerettem
20-Vallomásra küldöm
21-Van egy ház a Küküllőnél
22-Világéletemben daloskedvű
23-Nem zörög a haraszt


2013. május 26., vasárnap

Lajtai Lajos - Hol van az a nyár LP Qualiton SLPX 6542 - Digital transfer, noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio 2013th.




Lajtai Lajos szerzeményei


01 - Legyen A Horvath Kertben Budan
02 - Hol Van Az A Nyar
03 - Jojjon Ki Obudara
04 - Jojj Vissza Csokos Ifju Nyar
05 - Az En Mamam
06 - A Babam Budakeszi-Egy Edes Kis Kocsma-Szervusz Te Ven Lizse
07 - A Szivem A Tied Budapest
08 - Hetre Ma Varom A Nemzetinel
09 - Mit Tudom En
10 - Ma Este Baby
11 - Mondd Hogy Lehet Az
12 - Mi Lehet Az Oka Ennek
13 - Hetpettyes Katicabogar
14 - Hat Ertse Vegre Meg
15 - A Regi Maniam

Lajtai Lajos (Bp., 1899. ápr. 13.Bp., 1966. jan. 12.): operettkomponista. Előbb Bécsben az Exportak.-n tanult, később ugyanitt zenei tanulmányokat is folytatott. Első revüit Bécsben az 1920-as évek elején mutatták be, 1923-ban hozták színre először első operettjét Bp.-en (Az asszonyok bolondja, Budai Színkör), azt követte a Mesék az írógépről (Városi Színház, 1925); A régi nyár (Budai Színház, 1928) stb. 1935-től Ny-Európában, 1938-tól Svédo.-ban élt. 1945 után gyakran ellátogatott Bp.-re. Számos dala megtartotta népszerűségét (Hétre ma várom… , Legyen a Horvát kertben Budán… , Jöjjön ki Óbudára… , Hol van az a nyár… , Én édes Katinkám… stb.). Utolsó bp.-i bemutatója 1958-ban volt (Három tavasz). Ismertebb operettjei még: Sisters (1929); Az okos mama (1930); Őfelsége frakkja (1931); Régi orfeum (1932) stb. Az okos mama c. film társszerzője.