2021. június 30., szerda

Cik-Cakk Company - Erre gondoltunk.... MC 1997 Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio home sound recording studio 2021 th.

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01 - Napszemüveg
02 - Nem kell más
03 - Sztriptíz
04 - Házmester
05 - Hé, fiúk
06 - Sűrű vagyok
07 - Szemelvények
08 - Farkasok és Piroskák
09 - Szőke kábulat
10 - Kopj le rólam
11 - A legjobb nekem

Zenekari tagok

Szológitár:      Varga János 
Basszusgitár:  Gidófalvy Attila
Dob:              Donászy Tibor

A zenekar 1997-ben alakult, amely három veterán zenész főleg koncertekre specializálódott. 


Gidófalvy Attila - basszusgitár, ének 
Varga János - gitár 
Donászy Tibor - dob 

Egy lemezre való anyag jelent csak meg, ami az - Erre gondoltunk - nevet kapta, és 1997-ben jelent meg. 

Ez az album sajnos csak kazettán került a polcokra, igy tehát most ennek az átiratát tettem fel mivel, sehol nem lelhető fel egyetlen egy normális minőségben hallgatható verzió sem.

Viszont... végre megtaláltam az archív anyagok között az évekkel ezelőtt átírt kazetta hanganyagát. Így most azok a felvételek lettek kitisztítva, és ismét feltöltve, most már sokkal jobb minőségben, hogy minden rock kedvelő ismét élvezhesse azon idők hangulatát.

* Szemelvények a Magyar Zenész oldaláról

- Engem is meglepett, hogy ilyen sokan voltak kíváncsiak a koncertre - mondja az egykor az East együttessel ismertté vált gitáros, Varga János, aki ma a Hobo Blues Band és a Cik-Cakk Company tagja. 

-  Nem hiszem, hogy ez pusztán a személyemnek szólt volna, bár biztosan vannak, akik jó szívvel emlékeznek az East-re, illetve az utóbbi két évben Hobóval hétről-hétre sok ember előtt játszunk, tehát képben vagyok, tudják, hogy nem halt meg a fazon, még gitározgat... De úgy gondolom, a telt ház leginkább annak köszönhető, hogy ennyi embert feltétlenül érdekel a progresszív rockzene Budapesten, s ez remek dolog.
A Cik-Cakk öt éve működik Gidófalvy Attilával és Donászy Tiborral, sokat játszunk mindenfelé az országban, például motorostalálkozókon. Valamint kéthetente a Feneketlen-tó melletti Rolling Rockban lépünk fel. A közönség szereti a zenénket, ezt a ZZ Top-os világot. Saját erőből már kazettát is csináltunk, ... erre gondoltunk! címmel. Merthogy kiadó nemigen érdeklődik irántunk.

2021. június 28., hétfő

Kovács Erzsi - Csavargó fantáziám LP - 1989 Digital transfer, noise cleaning and mixed, at Audio Design Studio home sound recording studio 2021 th.


Download DATA  01    02    03    04    05 

                         06    07    08    09    10

01 - Csavargó fantáziám
02 - Judit
03 - Gondolj majd néha rám
04 - Mama
05 - Honvágy
06 - Öreg harang
07 - Ha szállni tudnék
08 - Lágyan dalol a szél
09 - Idegenben keserűbb a sírás
10 - Matador
11 - Mire vársz?
12 - Az életed egyszer élheted
13 - Csak egy nap a világ

Az itt bemutatott album - kovács Erzsi egyedüli olyan lemeze, ahol igazi nagy zenekarral előadott produkciót élvezhet a kedves hallgató. A művésznő 1989-ben énekelte lemezre ezeket a dalokat, a B & O Big Band kisérettel, és Benedek Tamás vezetésével. Az albumon számos ismert melódiával találkozhat aki letölti ezt az anyagot, igaz magyarra átírt szöveggel. A lemez tartalma, Kovács Erzsi életének egy szeletét mutatja be. A lemez érdekessége, hogy ez volt az utolsó lemeze, amit még vinylre készítettek az ő előadásában. Az album átírása, a művésznő saját kérésére készült még 2003-ban, és az eredeti lemez anyagot is ő bocsátotta a rendelkezésemre, a fotóval együtt. A lemez most újra digitalizált, és jobb hangzás minőségben került ismét feltöltésre. 


B and O Big Band Zenekar Benedek Tamás vezetésével
Hangszerelte: Friedrich Károly
Szerkesztette: Csiba Lajos
Zenei rendező: Friedrich Károly - Benedek Tamás
Hangmérnök: Bohus János és Jánossy Béla
Fotó: Szkárossy Zsuzsa
Grafika: Hováth Andrea

A felvételek a FŐNIX Stúdióban készültek
Made in Hungary ℗ 1989 Hungaroton 

2021. június 19., szombat

Csákányi László - Van aki vár, ha haza mész Original - Digital transfer noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio 2021 th.


Csákányi László

Egy régi idők, örökzöld gyöngyszeme.
 És a gyöngyszem eredeti változata. 
(Kicsit retusálva) 

Download DATA     01 

Csákányi László - Van aki vár, ha haza mész

(Forrai György - G. Dénes György)

Astoria Jazz Quartet - Modern Jazz III. Qualiton 1963 Original LP - Digital transfer, noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio 2021 th.


A saját lp eleje

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Egy igazán magyar zenészekből álló, jazz együttes lemeze hallható erről az albumról. A felvételek igazi jazz klasszikusok a maga nemében, hiszen a jazz muzsikusok szinte minden formációja eljátszotta ezeket a szerzeményeket. Most egy 1963-as felvétel hallgatható meg erről az újra digitalizált albumról. A lemez érdekessége, hogy hihetetlen módon összekarcolt állapotban került hozzám. A lemez 1963-ban készült Budapesten, és a Qualiton records kiadásában került forgalomba, átírása pedig 2002-ben készült el először. A mostani változat pedig 2014. 10. hóban készült el. A régi változatot eltávolították a szerverről, ezért egy friss változat került ismét feltöltésre. A borítónak csak egy kis része maradt meg használható formában, ezért saját kialakítású borító terv készült hozzá, hogy valamilyen formában hasonlítson, és felidézze az eredeti formát. A hátsó borítón egy Qualiton embléma hiteles újra rajzolt emblémája látható.
sIdőközben azért sikerült megszerezni egy eredeti album fotóit, melyek még használható állapotban voltak.

01 - I've Lost Your Love ( Milt Jackson)
02 - Tired Blues ( B. Peiffer )
03 - Strollin ( Horace Silver )
04 - Take Five ( Dave Brubeck )


Kertész Kornél:  Zongora ( piano )
Káldor Péter: Vibrafon ( Vibes )
Rahói Ernő: Bőgő ( Bass )
Váradi Tibor: Dob ( Drums )

LPX 7245 Qualiton Records, Budapest 1963.

2021. június 14., hétfő

Manhattan Stories Double LP 1965 (Stereo and Mono) Features LLoyd with His Previously Unreleased Quartet of Gabor Szabo, Ron Carter, & Pete La Roca. - Original LP - Digital transfer noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio 2021 th.

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Manhattan Stories Double-LP Features LLoyd with His Previously LUnreleased Quartet of Gabor Szabo, Ron Carter, & Pete La Roca

Traclist LP verzio:

Label A - B (Judson Hall):

A1 - Sweet Georgia Bright (17:49)

B1 - How Can I Tell You (11:57)

B2 - Lady Gabor (12:50)

Label C - D    (Slugs’)

C1 - Slugs’ Blues (12:57)

C2 - Lady Gabor (13:53)

D1 - Dream Weaver (15:25)

Features Lloyd with His Previously Unreleased Quartet of Gábor Szabó, Ron Carter, & Pete La Roca.


Charles LLoyd- saxophone, flute
Gábor Szabó- guitar
Ron Carter- bass
Pete La Roca- drums

1965. Resonance Records.

New Release Date: September 16, 2014 2 CD


Deluxe 2 CD Digi-pack Edition
Two 1965 New York Concerts, Recorded at Judson Hall & Slugs’.
Features Lloyd with His Previously Unreleased Quartet of Gábor Szabó, Ron Carter, & Pete La Roca.
Deluxe 2 CD digi-pack contains a rich booklet with notes liner notes by Stanley Crouch, Willard Jenkins, Don Heckman & Michael Cuscuna.
This is a must have for Charles Lloyd fans, jazz collectors & audiophiles.

Includes: Audiophile 180-gram vinyl pressed on 12″ LP’s at 33 1/3 RPM by Record Technology Incorporated (R.T.I.). Hand-numbered gatefold. Beautiful four panel insert with liner notes by Stanley Crouch, Willard Jenkins, Don Heckman & Michael Cuscuna. Mastered by Bernie Grundman.

In the words of a classic TV show, there are eight million stories in the Naked City. Resonance Records uncovers a pair of long-untold tales from New York City’s fabled jazz past on Manhattan Stories, due for release on September 16. These two performances capture the always-extraordinary saxophonist and flutist Charles Lloyd in 1965, leading a remarkable and previously unreleased quartet featuring three jazz giants: guitarist Gábor Szabó, bassist Ron Carter and drummer Pete La Roca.

The story told by these two concerts is one of an already-distinctive voice at the outset of a now-legendary career. In 1965, when these sets were recorded at the now-defunct venues Judson Hall and Slugs’, Lloyd was fresh from his stint with drummer and bandleader Chico Hamilton, where he’d first crossed paths with Szabó. Lloyd already had two albums to his name; both Carter and Szabó are heard on his second for Columbia, Of Course, Of Course, from which two titles on these new dates are culled. Within a year he would form his groundbreaking quartet with Keith Jarrett, Cecil McBee and Jack DeJohnette.

Szabó himself was on the verge of cementing his name in the jazz canon, starting his acclaimed run of Impulse! releases the next year. Carter was midway through his stint with the second great Miles Davis quintet, while La Roca had already worked with a host of names from the music’s pantheon, including John Coltrane, Sonny Rollins, Bill Evans and Joe Henderson.

“It was a specific time and place,” Lloyd told Manhattan Stories annotator Don Heckman. “We all felt like the boundaries were being dissolved and we could do or try anything. This is a music of freedom and wonder — we were young and on the move.”

Together, the band embarks on a series of adventurous excursions through pieces like Lloyd’s classic “Sweet Georgia Bright” and “Dream Weaver” as well as Szabó’s “Lady Gabor,” originally recorded by the Chico Hamilton Quintet. Nothing on either disc clocks in at under ten minutes, allowing every member to stretch out and fully explore this mesmerizing material. Manhattan Stories showcases, with more than 80 minutes of music, a truly expressive group interaction that remains otherwise undocumented.

“The first time I heard these recordings, I was blown away and knew immediately how special they were,” says co-producer Zev Feldman. “This just might be the holy grail for longtime Charles Lloyd fans like myself who think they’ve heard it all. No way. Not yet! There have been archival recordings released over the years with the classic quartet featuring Jarrett and DeJohnette, but there’s never been a release with this group before — and not just a group, but a group with four legendary masters. The music and spirit are very exciting. The interplay between Charles and Gábor alone is a testament to their genius. It’s a real gift for us to share this with the world.”

The Judson Hall recording comes from the archives of Resonance founder George Klabin, whose trove has previously yielded treasures from Bill Evans and Jimmy Giuffre. In fact, the first disc included here was recorded on a festival date shared with Giuffre that was released this year on the Elemental Music label. The occasion was Charlotte Moorman’s Avant Garde Festival of New York, produced by saxophonist and jazz critic Don Heckman, who contributes an essay to Manhattan Stories.

Klabin, then a 19-year-old student at Columbia University, had recently been appointed head of the jazz department at university radio station WKCR-FM and sought to present original recordings as part of his show. He recorded the Judson Hall show with up-close microphone placement techniques and state-of-the-art engineering — well ahead of 1965 standards. The Slugs’ performances were recorded by Bjorn von Schlebrugge, who accompanied Lloyd to his Manhattan gigs.

In 2009, Feldman brought Klabin’s tapes to Lloyd’s California home to play for the saxophonist, who raised the ante with his own recordings of the quartet. Those tapes, which comprise Disc 2, were made the same year at Slugs’, which Feldman calls “one of the most important jazz shrines there ever was. I wanted to celebrate the memory of that club as well.” The release thus received not only Lloyd’s blessings, but his wife, Dorothy Darr, signed on as co-producer.

For Record Store Day last month, Resonance offered a limited-edition pressing on orange, marble-colored 10-inch, 140-gram vinyl of Live at Slugs’, designed to be a collector’s piece for fans and as a pre-release teaser of the full release to come. The 10-inch featured two cuts from Manhattan Stories.

Manhattan Stories features the pristine sound quality, extensive liner notes, and meticulously designed artwork that have become Resonance Records’ trademarks. In addition to Heckman’s reminiscences, the set includes liner notes by Feldman, Willard Jenkins, Stanley Crouch, and renowned producer Michael Cuscuna (who shares executive producer credit with Klabin on this project). The music, which was mixed at Resonance’s Los Angeles studios, will also be available as a 2-LP set pressed by audiophile-respected R.T.I. (Record Technology Inc.). It was mastered for CD and vinyl by Bernie Grundman.

“I was determined to build perhaps the most exciting package for Charles ever assembled for one of his releases,” Feldman says. “I think we’ve accomplished that in a way that truly celebrates this master.” Manhattan Stories showcases stellar music in an ideal setting — much as those two NYC venues did on a pair of unjustly forgotten evenings nearly fifty years ago.


2021. június 13., vasárnap

Jazz in the Classroom vol IV with Gabor Szabo 1959 ( Mono ) Original LP - Digital transfer noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio 2021 th.

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Jazz In The Classroom – Vol. IV

Label: Berklee Records – BLP 4

Series: Jazz In The Classroom – VOL. 4

Format: Vinyl, LP, Album, Mono

Country: US

Released: 1959

Genre: Jazz

Style: Fusion Jazz


A 01 - Dillema

Arranged By – Gabor Szabo

Written By – Gabor Szabo


A 02 - Three For All

Written By – Dick Wright


A 03 - Summer Day

Arranged By – Gary McFarland

Written By – Gary McFarland


A 04 - Back Bay

Arranged By – Gary McFarland

Written By – Gary McFarland


A 05 - A Ballad For Me

Arranged By – Dick Loven

Written By – Dick Loven


A 06 - Blues Before And Because Of

Arranged By – John Cieslak

Written By – John Cieslak


B 07 - By My Side

Arranged By – Gary McFarland

Written By – Gary McFarland


B 08 - Pamela

Arranged By – Gary McFarland

Written By – Gary McFarland


B 09 - Lonely Horn

Arranged By – Tony Teixeira (2)

Written By – Tony Teixeira (2)


B 10 - Free Forms

Arranged By – Don French

Written By – Don French


B 11 - New Life

Arranged By – Don French

Written By – Don French



Alto Saxophone – Dick Johnson (3), John Cieslak

Baritone Saxophone – Bob Seastrom

Bass – Tony Teixeira (2)

Conductor – Herb Pomeroy

Drums – Francis "Butch" Axsmith, Harry Brown (13)

Guitar – Gabor Szabo

Piano – Bob Clear, Danny Skea

Tenor Saxophone – Barry Ulman, Ted Casher

Trombone – Dick Wright, Jack Wertheimer, Keith Davy, Michael Gibbs

Trumpet – Ed Armour, Everett Longstreth, Gerry Lamy, Jack Weaver (3), Paul Kelly (29)

Vibraphone – Gary McFarland


Herb Pomeroy acted as Coach, Instructor of arranging and improvisation for Berklee

Free Form had no writer /arranger , performed as free form improvisation by McFarland, Clear, Armour and Teixeira

Jazz in the Classroom vol II wirh Gabor Szabo 1958 ( Mono ) Original LP - Digital transfer noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio 2021 th.


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Berklee Records – BLP 2
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album, Mono
Country: US
Released: May 1959
Genre: Jazz


A1 - Sermet's Dream
Written-By – Arif Mardin

A2 - Blue Print
Written-By – Arif Mardin

A3 - Yesteryears
Written-By – Arif Mardin

A4 - The Long Wait
Written-By – Arif Mardin

A5 - Sweet Talk
Written-By – Arif Mardin

B1 - New Warmth
Written-By – Charles Bechler*

B2 - My Elegy
Written-By – Toshiko Akiyoshi

B3 - Blue Beau
Written-By – Robert James*

B4 - Deep Six
Written-By – Richard Wright 

B5 - I Would If I Could
Written-By – James Progris*


Guitar – Gabor Szabo
Alto Saxophone – Anthony Bisazza
Alto Saxophone [Lead] – Charlie Mariano
Arranged By – Arif Mardin, Toshiko Akiyoshi
Arranged By, Piano – Bob James, Charlie Bechler
Baritone Saxophone – Nicholas Brignola*
Bass – Gene Cherico
Conductor – Herb Pomeroy
Drums – Harry Brown (13)
Piano – Joe Zawinul
Tenor Saxophone – Dodge Terlemezian, Tony Osiecki
Trombone – Edwin Morgan*, Jack Wertheimer, Paul McLeod, Richard Wright (17)
Trumpet – Daniel Nolan Jr.*, Ed Armour, John Hening, John Weaver (6)
Trumpet [Lead] – Everett Longstreth
Vibraphone – Monty Stark

2021. június 12., szombat

Chico Hamilton - Peregrinations 1975 Original LP - Digital transfer noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio 2021 th.


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Chico Hamilton – Peregrinations

Label: Blue Note – BNLP-12166

Format: Vinyl, LP, Album

Country: Brazil

Released: 1976

Genre: Jazz

Style: Jazz-Funk


A1 - V-O

Soloist – Arthur Blythe, Barry Finnerty

Written-By – Steve Turre


A2 - The Morning Side Of Love

Soloist – Barry Finnerty, Joe Beck

Written-By – Chico Hamilton


A3 - Abdullah And Abraham

Written-By, Soloist – Arnie Lawrence


A4 - Andy's Walk

Written-By – Chico Hamilton


A5 - Peregrinations

Written-By – Chico Hamilton


B1 - Sweet Dreams

Soloist – Arthur Blythe, Barry Finnerty

Written-By – Chico Hamilton


B2 - Little Lisa

Written-By – Steve Turre


B3 - Space For Stacy

Written-By – Chico Hamilton


B4 - On And Off

Written-By – Chico Hamilton


B5 - It's About That Time

Written-By – Chico Hamilton


Companies, etc.

Distributed By – Som Indústria E Comércio S.A.

Manufactured By – Som Indústria E Comércio S.A.

Recorded At – A&R Studios

Recorded At – Sound Factory West

Mixed At – Westlake Audio

Mastered At – Kendun Recorders


Art Direction, Design – Bob Cato

Bass – Steve Turre

Congas, Bongos, Percussion – Abdullah (2)

Drums, Percussion – Chico Hamilton

Effects [Other Special Effects By] – Jerrell Ballard

Engineer – Don Hahn, Steve Maslow

Executive-Producer – George Butler

Guitar – Barry Finnerty, Joe Beck

Horns – Arnie Lawrence, Arthur Blythe, Steve Turre

Keyboards – Jerry Peters

Liner Notes – Stanley Crouch

Mixed By, Mastered By – Baker Bigsby

Producer, Effects [Other Special Effects By] – Keg Johnson (2)

Synthesizer [Programming] – Charlotte Politte

Vocals – Julia Tillman*, Luther Waters, Maxine Willard*, Oren Waters

Chico Hamilton - The Dealer (1966) Original LP - Digital transfer noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio 2021 th.


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Chico Hamilton Introducing Larry Coryell – The Dealer
Label: Impulse! – AS-9130
Format: Vinyl, LP, Album
Country: US
Released: 1966
Genre: Jazz
Style: Soul-Jazz, Fusion, Jazz-Funk, Latin Jazz


A1 - The Dealer
Arranged By – Jimmy Cheatham
Written-By – C. Hamilton*, J. Cheatham*

A2 - For Mods Only
Piano, Written-By – Archie Shepp

A3 - A Trip
Arranged By, Conductor – Jimmy Cheatham
Written-By – C. Hamilton*, J. Cheatham*

A4 - Baby, You Know
Arranged By – Jimmy Cheatham
Organ – Ernie Hayes
Written-By – C. Hamilton*, J. Cheatham*

B1 - Larry Of Arabia
Organ – Ernie Hayes
Written-By – Larry Coryell

B2 - Thoughts
Vocals, Written-By – Chico Hamilton

B3 - Jim-Jeannie
Written-By – Chico Hamilton

Companies, etc.
Record Company – ABC Records, Inc.
Record Company – ABC-Paramount Records, Inc.


Alto Saxophone – Arnie Lawrence (tracks: A1 to A4, B2, B3)
Bass – Richard Davis (2)
Drums, Percussion – Chico Hamilton
Guitar [Introducing] – Larry Coryell
Engineer – Bob Simpson
Design [Cover] – Robert Flynn (2)
Design [Liner] – Joe Lebow
Liner Notes – George Hoefer
Photography By [Cover, Liner] – Charles Shabacon
Producer – Bob Thiele

different cover
Label issued in 1966-67
On label: ABC Records, Inc.
On cover: ABC Paramount Records, Inc.

2021. június 5., szombat

Tisztelt Szabó Gábor kedvelők ! - Dear Gabor Szabo fans !

Newport 1967 

Eddig összesen 47 Szabó album került feltöltésre az oldalra. Ez közel több mint két  éves munka eredménye. Volt egy előző Szabó Gábor könyvtár, ami még a 2010 - 13 évek között kerültek fel, ezek viszont az új verziók miatt (amik lényegesebben jobb minőségben szólnak) ezért véglegesen törölve lettek. A felvételek az eredeti LP anyagok másolatai. Az adatbázisok pedig a Discogs oldalán található feljegyzésekből kerültek beillesztésre, mivel egyszerűbb volt az albumok pontos adatait mellékelni, mint újra leírni. Itt viszonylag hiteles adatbázis volt található a lemezek tartalmáról.

Azért kerültek fel Gábor lemezei, mert többségük már beszerezhetetlen, másrészt pedig a régóta lelkes gyűjtők már beszerezték az évek során ennek a remek gitáros munkásságának gyümölcseit. Ezzel a lehetőséggel próbálom minél szélesebb körben ismertebbé és elérhetővé tenni, Szabó Gábor zenei tehetségének megismerését.

Ha mégis a leírásokban pontatlanság mutatkozik, nézzék el nekem. " semmi sem lehet mindenben tökéletes " Egyenlőre ennyi anyag készült el, ha további hanganyag kerül feldolgozásra, akkor azok is felkerülnek az oldalra.

És még egy  fontos megjegyzés.......

A digitalizált felvételeknél, a restaurálás után az eredeti lemezről átírt anyag minimum, 95 % százalékos eredetiségét lehet visszaállítani. Az eredeti studio szalagon levő hangzás 100%-ka soha nem hozható vissza. Ennek tudatában kell a felvételeket elfogadni. 

Azon túl, hogy már az átíráskor a hardver eszközök, a beállítások ( DAW - Pickup Stb: ) által változik az eredeti hangzás, viszont nem kevés munkával az előbbi százalékos szintig vissza lehet tenni a hangzást ami a lemezen hallható. A CD-n kiadott anyagok természetesen az eredeti studió szalagon rögzített minőséget kell, hogy garantálják. 

Sajnos több esetben tapasztalható volt, hogy a bakeliten kiadott anyag ami az eredeti, azt későbbiekben egy CD lemezen kiadott változat esetében, már nem úgy szól min a bakelit változat esetében hallhatóvolt mert akármilyen ok miatt netán új mastering készült belőle. 


Sample recordings     01   02


So far, a total of 47 Szabó albums have been uploaded to the site. This is the result of almost two years of work. There was a previous Gábor Szabó library, which was uploaded between 2010 - 13, but due to the new versions (which are of a much better quality) they have been permanently deleted. The recordings are copies of the original LP material. And the databases have been inserted from the records on Discogs, as it was easier to include the exact details of the albums than to re-write them. Here was a relatively authoritative database of the contents of the records.

Gábor's albums were included because most of them are no longer available, but also because long-time collectors have already acquired the fruits of this great guitarist's labour over the years. With this opportunity, I try to make the musical talent of Gábor Szabó as widely known and accessible as possible.

If there are any inaccuracies in the descriptions, please forgive me. " nothing can be perfect " So far, this is all the material that has been produced, if more material is added, it will be added to the site.

And one more important note.......

For digitised recordings, after restoration, a minimum of 95% originality of the material transcribed from the original disc can be restored. 100% of the original studio tape sound can never be restored. Recordings should be accepted with this in mind. 

Apart from the fact that the original sound is already altered by the hardware tools and settings ( DAW - Pickup Stb: ) at the time of transcription, it is possible to restore the sound to the previous percentage of the original sound on the record with a lot of work. 

The material released on CD must of course guarantee the quality of the original studio tape. Unfortunately, there have been several cases where material released on vinyl that was the original version has subsequently been re-mastered for CD and no longer sounds as it did on vinyl for whatever reason.

Gabor Szabo - Femme Fatale (1981) Budapest Original LP - Digital transfer noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio 2021 th.

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Gabor Szabo ‎– Femme Fatale

Label: Pepita ‎– SLPR 707

Format: Vinyl, LP, Album 

Country: Hungary

Released: 1981

Genre: Jazz,

Style: Jazz


A1 Femme Fatale Composed By – Gabor Szabo 8:07

A2 Zingaro Composed By – A. C. Jobim*  7:05

A3 Serena Composed By – James Harrah  3:36

B1 A Thousand Times Composed By – Gabor Szabo 9:14

B2 Out Of The Night Composed By – Chick Corea 8:03


Printed By – Révai Nyomda


Guitar – Gabor Szabo

Lacquer Cut By – HP*

Orchestrated By – David Campbell

Photography By, Design – Kamarás András

Producer – Gabor Szabo


Recorded and mixed at Fidelity Sound Recording Studios in Hollywood, California, USA

The durations of tracks are not printed on the release.

Total running time of side A: 19:04

Total running time of side B: 17:19

1978 Gabor Szabo - Charles Earland - Great Pyramid Original LP - Digital transfer noise cleaning and remastered, at Audio Design Studio 2021 th.


Download DATA  01   02   03   04 

01 - The Great Pyramid

02 - Ahead Of Your Time

03 - Mona Lisa

04 - In The Land Of Mu

05 - Upper Atlantis

06 - Drifting

A1 The Great Pyramid

Acoustic Guitar – Gabor Szabo

Backing Vocals – The Jernigan Singers

Bass – David Clarke*

Congas – Lawrence Killian

Drums – Abe Speller

Flugelhorn, Trumpet – Jon Faddis, Randy Brecker

Grand Piano, Electric Piano [Fender Rhodes], Synthesizer [Arp String], Lead Vocals – Charles Earland

Lead Guitar – Jackie Turner

Percussion – José Cheo Santos

Rhythm Guitar – Butch Campbell

Strings – The Spice Strings*

Tenor Saxophone, Backing Vocals – Arthur Grant (2)

Trombone – Chris Brubeck


A2 Ahead Of Your Time

Backing Vocals – The Jernigan Singers

Bass – Marshall Jones

Congas – Lawrence Killian

Cowbell – José Cheo Santos

Drums – Abe Speller

Electric Piano [Fender Rhodes], Synthesizer [Mini-Moog] – Charles Earland

Rhythm Guitar – Butch Campbell

Rhythm Guitar, Lead Vocals – Jackie Turner

Strings – The Spice Strings*

Tenor Saxophone – Arthur Grant

Trombone – Chris Brubeck

Trumpet – Jon Faddis, Randy Brecker


A3 Mona Lisa

Backing Vocals – The Jernigan Singers

Bass – David Clarke*

Congas – Lawrence Killian

Drums [Left] – Harvey Mason

Drums [Right] – Abe Speller

Electric Piano [Fender Rhodes], Synthesizer [Arp String] – Charles Earland

Lead Guitar – Jackie Turner

Rhythm Guitar – Butch Campbell

Strings – The Spice Strings*

Tenor Saxophone, Lead Vocals – Arthur Grant

Timbales, Percussion – José Cheo Santos

Trombone – Chris Brubeck

Trumpet – Jon Faddis, Randy Brecker


B1 In The Land Of Mu

Backing Vocals – The Jernigan Singers

Bass – Marshall Jones

Bass Clarinet, Lead Vocals – Arthur Grant

Congas – Lawrence Killian

Drums – Harvey Mason

Electric Piano [Fender Rhodes], Soprano Saxophone – Charles Earland

Flute – Lloyd McNeill, Jr.*

Lead Guitar – Jackie Turner

Percussion – José Cheo Santos

Rhythm Guitar – Butch Campbell

Strings – The Spice Strings*

Trumpet [Electric] – Randy Brecker


B2 Upper Atlantis

Bass – Marshall Jones

Clavinet, Synthesizer [Mini-Moog] – Charles Earland

Congas – Lawrence Killian

Drums – Harvey Mason

Rhythm Guitar – Butch Campbell, Jackie Turner

Tambourine – José Cheo Santos

Tenor Saxophone – Arthur Grant

Trombone – Chris Brubeck

Trumpet – Jon Faddis

Trumpet, Trumpet [Electric] – Randy Brecker


B3 Drifting

Backing Vocals – The Jernigan Singers

Bass – David Clarke*

Congas – Lawrence Killian

Drums [Left] – Harvey Mason

Drums [Right] – Abe Speller

Electric Piano [Fender Rhodes] – Charles Earland

Rhythm Guitar – Butch Campbell, Jackie Turner

Strings – The Spice Strings*

Tenor Saxophone, Lead Vocals – Arthur Grant

Timbales – José Cheo Santos

Trombone – Chris Brubeck

Trumpet – Jon Faddis, Randy Brecker


Companies, etc.

Recorded At – Sound Ideas Studios

Remixed At – Paragon Studios

Mastered At – Masterdisk

Phonographic Copyright (p) – Phonogram, Inc.

Copyright (c) – Phonogram, Inc.

Distributed By – Phonodisc, Inc.


Arranged By – Charles Earland

Art Direction – Jim Schubert

Backing Vocals [The Jernigan Singers] – Fred Lyles, Gloria Bason, Hope Dancy, Idolene Rankine, James Bason Jr., Wanda Hamlett

Cover, Illustration – Wayne McLoughlin

Design – Joe Kotleba

Engineer [Mastering] – Dave Crawford*

Engineer [Recording Assistant] – Jay Borden, Kathy Dennis, Tim Sadler

Engineer [Recording] – George Klaybin, Jerrold Solomon

Engineer [Remix] – Steve Kusiciel

Liner Notes – Ra Mu*

Photography By – Hauser & D'Orio

Producer – Charles Earland, Robin McBride

Score – Butch Campbell

Strings [The Spice Strings] – David Sackson, Deborah Idol, Elliot Rosoff, Irving Spice, Louis Gabowitz, Bruce Haber*, Louis Stone, Sally Rosoff, Seymour Barib*, Seymour Berman