2008. október 24., péntek

Evening Mood - Vecerna Nalada - Gustav Offerman and Viliam Farkas LP 1975 Digital cleaning and remastered Audio Design Studio 2002

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A hanganyag folyamatos !!! az elmentett arhívban benne vannak a markerek a track idők miatt. A rar-t le kell törölni és az  .EXE kiterjesz marad , és ENTER ...... automatikusan kibontja önmagát mp3-ra

01 - Les Fieur Damour
02 - The Garden In May
03 - September In The Ram
04 - Toovoung
05 - A Ramny Oay
06 - lt’s May
07 - Ali The Things You Arc
08 - Protect Youur Song
09 - Agamn
10 - Strangers In The Night
11 - Wait liii Tomorrow
12 - C’est Magnifique
13 - Dec Purpie
14 - C’est Si Bon
15 - Letim - Im Flying
16 - My Native Gegion
17 - More-The Sea
18 - Tiill Fall A sleep
19 - I Left My Heart lii San Francisco
20 - The Nearness Of You
21 - Trou Love
22 - Lullaby
23 - Fascination
24 - Weli You Remember - Sweetheart
25 - Tenderty
26 - lt Was A Loveiy Day
27 - Charniane
28 - Around The WoId
29 - Memory Of You
30 - Ramona
31 - The Caadelight Waitz - Waterloo Bridge

2 megjegyzés:

  1. Very nice music, just a pleasure. Such albooms are met not frequently. The violin of Farcas sounds like one's soul. The Offerman's orchestra is in balanced harmony with the violin. Besides, there is some other good solo instruments in the orchestra. Charming !
    Thank you, Lazslo !
