2009. július 11., szombat

Andrew Sisters - Best Of


01. Bel Mir Bist Du Schön (Cahn/ChaplinlJaoobs)
02, When The Midnight Choo Choo
03. Say ‘Si Si (Stiiman/LuantLecueiia)
04. Pennsylvania 6-5000 (Gry/Sigman)
05. The JumpiW Jíve (Kanway/Palmer)
06. Sing A Tropioal Saag (McHuh/Lceser)
07. Men’s Boogie (GatesfLen)
08. South Amerícan Way (Dublin/McHugh)
09. Boogie Waogíe Bugte Boy Ray/Prince)
10. Rhumboogíe (Ray/Prince)
11. Dont Sit (Jader Ilie Apple Tree Brown/ToLlas)
12. LulIaLy Ot Brcadway (Dubiri/Warren)
13. Ti-Pi-Tin (GrverILeven)
14. Shortnin Bread Richard/WoIfe)
15. Beat Me Daddy, Eight Te The Bar (Ray/Prince)
16. Rum and Coca Cola

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